Mar 02, 2009 14:32
It's a quiet calculation that can only cause you to be dizzy. Its like you don't ever really finish, you only lose the moment where it all began. And I guess that's some kind of progress.
I've never been the liar, and ever since I was little all I could dream about was being the lover. But I've realized you can't truly experience one without the other. It's like living under a sheet. How can you truly believe when you haven't yet experienced doubt?
Everyone can capture their own interpretation in a vial, and it will still never be full if you haven't taken what you selfishly want and fill it to the brim.
That's what it all is. Call me selfish. It was all overflowing.
But that's what it takes to really see clearly, no matter how dizzy you get. There is an instant of clarity that makes you realize it all.
It doesn't have to be blind.
It's what keeps the unimpressed asking questions.