Jul 24, 2007 09:40
Ever since I came to Bristol, I have now lost 3 bikes. The third was this morning on the commute to work. My first bike was stolen, my second bike got destroyed in a crash stop trying not to kill a stupid pedestrian on Gloucester Rd (zebra crossings are there for a reason fool!) And the third bike is another write off due to a crash stop when a car suddenly pulled out in front of me in a pedestrian alley just before I got to work.
As far as bike crashes go, this one was low key but pretty darn spectacular. I was only doing about 10mph down a hill when suddenly a car backed out in front of me from a garage. I slammed on the brakes, but of course as I was going downhill, this meant I came over the handle bars. All was not lost however as I managed to land on my feet, with the bike crashing into the back of me, inches away from the car. An impressive bit of acrobatics if I do say so myself!
Anyway, back of the bike is bent and the back gear cogs are pretty screwed. It is repairable, but as I paid £10 for the whole bike I can’t really be bothered. There is another bike going for £10 at work so I may well just buy that. Despite the bike wreckages, it is still cheaper to commute that way!