An evil grin

May 10, 2007 14:54

My boss had an evil grin when he walked into the office this morning. Just when I was wondering how he could possibly know that I overslept this morning as I still got in before him, he set me my first task at my new promoted grade. Oh boy, it is a stinker! It is the most difficult and most boring set of documents and wire diagrams currently going around and it is pretty important to know how it works. Gee thanks!

He then sent an email around the office telling people about my promotion (which is nice), but also reminded them that I was still the only one who knew where all the old stuff was, something I was hoping people would forget! I wonder if he is getting his revenge for all the IT related jibes I have given him? Ah well, all the project managers take the piss out of each other so that definitely means I am part of the team. I also still get the dirty and difficult jobs like understanding these god awful process schedules. I am scared I will become the in team expert on them at which point anything finance or commercial have to say suddenly becomes more interesting!

Boxercise was unusually popular today and I ended up coaching a newbie. It meant I didn’t get pushed very much again though. It is not fair, almost no one is fast enough to keep up with me. I keep punching the air instead of a pad as people can’t get it in the right place fast enough.  And to think I am complaining about this!

And I really need to bring some cake into the office tomorrow. Damn I know just the person to cook a lovely batch, but it is far too short a notice. Ah well, looks like a trip to the supermarket to buy cake, something I have avoided for a long time because I know I will be far too tempted by various offerings.

exercise, work

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