So. I
signed up for
darkwitches. Was very tempted by it, and the the timeline fits in quite well with my semester break, so. So far, though, most of the sign-ups are for trio-era/next-gen pairings (with a smattering of Black Sisters). So, come on, OLSB! I took the plunge; come join me! :D Dark femslash for alllllll!
(By the by, the idea of 'Hogwarts as a Gothic space' only occurred to me as I was writing the sign-up, and as soon as I wrote it I was like fuck yeah that would be SO AWESOME. So that might be something I'll need to try myself, one day. Using Stuff Learned at Uni to Write Better Fanfic FTW.)
hp-podfic-fest 2012
Banner by
ariannagray Rules & Timeline I also signed up for
hp_podfic_fest! ajdhgdfhj I have no idea what I'm doing, but I hope it will be fun! Just have to remind myself that everyone hates the sound of their own voice played back to them, not just me. But yes! Soon you shall all get to hear my Australian accent reading Harry Potter characters! (lol, though I'm not sure why I find that idea so odd, given that I've heard plenty of American accents reading HP fic and never thought it odd).