Now that
hoggywartyxmas is finished and reveals have happened (exciting to see who wrote everything, as always, but also sad that it's over), I can announce, in what I'm sure is a surprise to precisely no one, that I was the author of 'A Feather in One's Cap', and that I was the one who taunted our dear Mod with that email about my fic having a solid 4K of porn in, but neglected to tell her the characters involved in said porn. That was accidental, I swear, but after she posted to the community about it and had a few of the Hogwarts ladies guess as to the pairing, I sent her a further message that said something along the lines of 'Who says it's a pairing? Muahahaha' and made her wait until deadline day to find out. Well, I'm pleased to say that Rolanda correctly guessed her involvement, so house points to Ravenclaw! :D
Anyway, yes. Without further ado, here I am reposting the story. It's hosted on DW because of length, but I have included the header and a copy of the extra author's notes here, because I want to make sure that people are aware of the integral part
cranky__crocus played in my creation of this story. And yes, just in case anyone is concerned, I am naming her as the friend in question with her knowledge and permission :).
A proper recs post of my favourite Hoggywarty stories, as well as my fic year-end masterlist, will be posted soon, but for now, my offering:
Title: A Feather in One’s Cap
Word Count: 13,000
Characters and/or Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch/Rita Skeeter
Summary: Rita Skeeter finds sports reporting to be just about the dullest job ever. After a Quidditch game, she goes in search of a story that is actually entertaining, and finds herself part of a narrative more salacious than anything even she could come up with.
Warnings: Pottermore-what-Pottermore. And a little bit of Quidditch-bashing? The author is sorry, but Rita Skeeter just doesn't like sport. The shoes are nowhere near cute enough.
Author's Notes: Written for
queen_of_snapes for
hoggywartyxmas. A great big thank you to my betas
an_fhanai and
cranky__crocus for their editing, cheerleading and idea-sharing skills. This fic wouldn't be half the story it is without them. Please click the second cut (or the end of the story, if you're reading at DW) for a further note about Kiwi's input in the process of this story.
A Feather in One's Cap )
Further Notes:
While this fic was still in the planning stages, I had an unrelated, late-night conversation with
cranky__crocus, in which she expressed her disappointment about the way female orgasm is often depicted in explicit fanfiction as something that just happens during sex, every time, without fail or difficulty. We discussed the fact that this is often not the case for many women, but that because of similar depictions in film, TV, romance novels etc, inability or difficulty having an orgasm is often something women feel ashamed of. Kiwi said that, as a pre-orgasmic woman, she had read a lot about this and had conversations with a number of women who felt this way, and that she wished that there were more stories everywhere-but especially in the subversive, female-dominated world of fandom-that dealt with this. I encouraged her to try writing one sometime, since this was clearly a topic she was passionate about and the best way to start people talking about something is to start talking about it yourself.
But then, a few days later, as I was trying to work out how my fledgling femslash threesome idea might become an actual story, my mind returned to our conversation, and I decided to put this exploration into my fic, which turned my idea from something that was probably quite shallow into something far more in-depth and character-based. I hope that the end result is something that people will find both hot and realistic. And I would like to thank Kiwi for it. Thank you, my dear, for sharing your thoughts with me. Thank you for not minding when I poached ideas from you, and wrote about a subject that is very personal to you, and that you have thought and talked about far more than I ever have. Thank you for reading the end result and offering your thoughts on how my depiction of Minerva worked and how it didn't, and helping me to make this as honest and real as I could. This story would not be what it is without you, and I do hope that you take your ideas back sometime and write a story about this subject yourself. And they were your ideas. I just borrowed them.