30 Day HP Meme, Day 18

Aug 08, 2010 17:09

18. If you could change one thing about canon, what would it be?

Probably Jo's overuse of adverbs. Once you get into the book, you sort of stop noticing, but read a page here or there, and it's a bit *cringe*.

Mostly, though, I'd leave the books as they are. Yes, there are all sorts of problems with them - the values JKR espouses as being good are often problematic, the gender roles are quite conservative, there are several issues Jo puts forth about her world and never bothers to resolve. But honestly? I wouldn't change them. Jo wrote the narrative that she wanted to tell, and a story can never be all things to all people. I think it is precisely the size and shape and depth (or lackethereof) of Jo Rowling's universe that has allowed for such a huge, creative fandom. Because, let's face it. If, as a reader, you think a story is perfect as it is, you're not going to be very inspired to write fic about it, are you? I think the stories with the biggest and most creative fandoms are quite often the ones that are problematic on several levels. People write fanfic to fill in the blanks the story left out.

So I wouldn't change much at all. Except for the adverbs. If I had been her editor, I would have crossed them all out with a red pen and told her to only add back the ones that were necessary to the story.

Previous Answers

01. Discuss how you got into Harry Potter
02. Your favorite book
03. What house would you be in?
04. Your favorite movie
05. Wizard Rock: discuss
06. Your favorite character(s)
07. Song that reminds you of HP
08. Your favorite ship(s)
09. Fanfiction: discuss
10. Favorite book moment(s)
11. Character you're crushing on
12. Favorite movie scene
13. Least favorite character(s)
14. Moments in the books/movies that made you cry
15. Whatever tickles your fancy
16. How have you participated in the fandom over the years?
17. Your favorite celebs from the movies or fandom
18. If you could change one thing about canon, what would it be?
19. A favorite fanart
20. A favorite quote
21. How has the HP fandom connected you to other fandoms, interests, or people?
22. Your favorite villain
23. Share some HP icons
24. Rant about Steve Kloves something
25. Song that reminds you of HP
26. What aspect of the books has been best translated to film?
27. What aspect of the books has been most poorly translated to film?
28. Hogwarts subject you would most like to take
29. Favorite location
30. Whatever tickles your fancy

30 day hp meme

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