Title: She Smirks In Scarlet
Pairing: Rita/Severus (with a tiny moment of implied Rita/Pansy)
Rating: Light R
Summary: He knows there’s only one way to master this creature in his grip. Give her what she wants
Notes: Written for
snape_rarepairs pairing of the month, and the challenge 'power'. Also for the
fanfic100 prompt 'She'.
she’s not afraid of him at all and it makes him want to break her )
Comments 12
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed :D
So, to sum up: very good. ;-)
Whee! Glad you liked!
And haha, yes the idea of them up against a wall kind of... affected me too ;)
I'm glad you like the non-explicitness. I often get like that after writing something that's gone on for a few pages setting up an atmosphere between the characters. I'm not sure if it's that I can't be arsed writing the porn by then, or that I think it would ruin/overshadow the character interaction that built up to it. It's probably a bit of both, really ;). Anyway, I'm glad it worked for you! :D
:D ♥
Oh PHWOAR I love Snape/Rita so much! Great job, geeeez when do you ever write something crap? You are so talented, I love your writing like woah....maybe because it's about Rita lol but srsly great work :D
Hahaha why are you hiding? Power sex is awesome.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And omg you're always so sweet *blushes* I loff you muchly ♥
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