Application and Contact info

Nov 21, 2008 23:27

Name: Jessi
LJ: raspberrydrink
E-Mail: understand
IM: cannonballncurry
Character Name: Sanae Hanekoma
Series: The World Ends with You
Timeline: Post-Game

What your character can offer: Being an angel, Hanekoma has a large range of powers. He can manipulate souls (ala Rhyme), imprint emotions, travel to other realities and has a working pair of wings when he wants them. He also has two alternate “Noise” forms, both of them bi-pedal cat monsters.

Other then that, Hanekoma’s greatest talent is his ability to inspire people. He sees it as his duty to bring out the best in others, even if he’s occasionally sarcastic about it. He tends to be laid back in most cases, and doesn’t panic very easily. He rarely shows his more serious face, but when he does he can take charge of a situation if needed. Sanae’s not afraid to do a little wrong to end up with the right result though, and that occasionally bites him in the ass. He is also a decent cook (specializing in coffee house treats) and an accomplished artist.

What items will they be bringing with them? The clothing on his back and two feathers, one red and one blue.

Third-Person Sample: Watching from the meta-physical side lines had been hard, to say the least. After all his careful planning, after all the work to get it to this point… letting Shibuya’s fate rest in the hands of a 15 year old boy was a risk.

Good thing he liked gambling. And this time it paid off.

He had every bit of faith in Neku, of course. He wouldn’t have bothered if he hadn’t. Neku may have been cold on the surface, but Sanae could see a powerful light in his Music. The potential to be something great. And that light had proven him right. But now was the catch: Dealing with the fall-out.

The angel watched as the Composer pulled a nice little pout and “stalked” away in a flash of light. The kid was skilled, but still a kid in a lot of ways. He had done his best by him, but no amount of mentoring was going to chance the fact that, well… Joshua tended to get what Joshua wanted. And having his logic proven faulty just wasn’t in his plans. So what if Neku had shown him that Shibuya was worth saving? That didn’t mean he had to LIKE it. So there was that to take care of.

And then there was the Higher-ups.

Hanekoma sighed to himself as he started to follow the grumpy Composer. He had pulled a LOT of pretty gray-level shit over the last month, and it wouldn’t be long before that came out. The fact that things had gone well wouldn’t change the fact that he had… interfered. Big no-no there.

“Eh, gotta love a bureaucracy.” He chuckled to himself as he looked over the city he had helped save. Either way it had been worth it. To save this mess of sound and conflict he would have Fallen even lower. No one Angel was worth more then all this. Not even him.

He laughed, let them do their worst.

First-Person Sample: You know, I always knew You had a sense of humor, just never how twisted it could be. Guess I deserve this though. I bet You and all the others are having a really nice laugh over all this too. Glad to be of service, as always.

Fix one issue, get rewarded with another. Whoo-boy. And I can tell this is gonna be a doozy. Can’t hear the Music, but even a deaf man could tell it must be pretty screwed up. Haven’t seen anything alive YET. Not even a bird or some grass. You always knew how to pick punishments, didn’t You. Straight human. I assume this is to teach me a little humility, eh? Well, guess that’s why You’re the Boss, right? Even when You’re acting through weird doctors and the like.

Ha! Well, no use whining about it. Time to get started, so don’t wait up. This is gonna be a long one.


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