[twelfth] [text]

Jan 03, 2009 16:36

So it's-- ...a new calendar year has started, then, it seems. It was nice, and so was the food... I'm not sure if I'll be making any resolutions yet --is that what they're called?-- or not, but it might not be a bad idea.

... I don't know what to say about--

I, ah-- I assume that I'm not the only one who...saw something unusual. Does anyone know what they were? And...Kazuki, was it? I'm sorry. I looked, but I couldn't find Sakura anywhere.

[Private//Difficult to Hack]
...I'm sorry for lying to you, Princess.

The vision was fuzzy, but it seemed as though Fai-san was hurt. He... Where was I? It seemed as though I arrived too late to help, but...

Somehow, that doesn't seem right. It's as though something is trying to reach me but can't...

[...] And Seishirou-san--

((all strikes are deleted text))

distressed syaoran is distressed, seishirou, orz, holiday wut, tokyo visions, goddamn spider lady, fai-san, sakura, premonition: you're doing it wrong, i'm just a poor clone i need no sympathy, haet lying

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