I hate rain

Mar 29, 2006 09:57

usually like the rain. I love listening to it from my bed as I fall asleep, and I especially love thunder storms. But last night changed my mind about the rain. So I was walking to my biology class to take a test last night at like 7. If any of you are familiar with the Azusa area, you probably know that the water around here doesn't drain well in the rain. So I am walking down Alosta avenue, and of course there are puddles that I don't even attempt to jump over because I am short and afraid I will fall flat on my ass. So my shoes and socks are soaking. And THEN, guess what happens? I swear it is something out of a freaking movie. A car drives up and veers off to the side, spraying water EVERYWHERE. Now, my whole left side was wet. And wet jeans suck. I was so tempted to turn around and just go home, but I had to take that stupid test. So I took the test soaking wet and freezing since that stupid bio class is cold anyway. But not only do we have to take the test, we have to stay to watch a stupid movie because it is a once a week class. Luckily, by the time I was out of class, it had stopped raining and the water had finally drained. So yeah, that is my lovely story as to WHY I HATE THE RAIN!
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