The Quin Legacy, 1.6

May 06, 2012 10:31

Warning! Gay sims, too much confidence, water balloon and pillow fights, cow mascots and fires.

Last time we left off with all the kids aging, turning into teens and heading off to college...

Greta Quin.
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Become Education Minister
Sloppy/Neat: 8
Shy/Outgoing: 4
Lazy/Active: 6
Serious/Playful: 1
Grouchy/Nice: 5

The two brothers, Tom (left) and Declan (right).

Tom Quin.
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: Become Professional Party Guest
Sloppy/Neat: 2
Shy/Outgoing: 8
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 8
Grouchy/Nice: 5

Declan Quin.
Aspiration: Romance (later changed to Popularity)
LTW: Woohoo with 20 Different Sims
Sloppy/Neat: 3
Shy/Outgoing: 8
Lazy/Active: 4
Serious/Playful: 7
Grouchy/Nice: 3

And Valerie.

Valerie Quin.
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become City Planner (same as Dakota's!)
Sloppy/Neat: 4
Shy/Outgoing: 4
Lazy/Active: 4
Serious/Playful: 7
Grouchy/Nice: 6

After quickly claiming rooms, Declan and Valerie decide to have a pillow fight right in the corridor.

Tom: Ugh! I can't get through. Valerie is blocking the hallway!
Are you saying your sister is fat? o.o

Declan had a miniature makeover. I don't quite like it. I don't think he does either....

Tom: Hey, Declan, you know I'm a big fan of you... hope you don't mind me copying your style?

Declan: Ugh! Outrageous!

Hello there, on your way to first class? :)

I found Greta doing what she does best - studying.

This is how the family works in college.
They pretend to not know each other. I could never get even just two of the four to sit together. :c

Valerie is an amazing comedian.
She performs to the wall and empty room.

Tom, just casually checking himself out.

Blind-date time! Luckily for Tom, they actually have some money that is decent enough. Unlike his father.

The cow mascot was NOT the blind-date, but lets just be wolf-whistled by it anyway.

Confidence. Tom struck 2 lightning bolts to it. (How?? :O)

Finally, his date appeared. I would have found this rather cute, if not for the date's deformed jaw.

Valerie: I *pant* must *pant* persist!

Declan got his hair back. He seemed much happier about that.

It did wonders on his social skills.

The two ACRed without my knowledge. You see what I mean by deformed jaw? Dx
Tom! Where are your standards!?

Tom: All went smoothly well.

Declan proceeded on to playing the water balloon fight with the random dormie.

Whilst Valerie showed off her strength.

This was a very awkward dinner. The two guys just stood around, watching Valerie eat.

Greta tries too hard. She tries so hard she can't even make it to her bed.

After autonomous woohoo, they had a casual dinner.

He ditched his date to go sit with the cow, Chloe.

The date, who's name I forget, is so sweet. He's so nice to Tom, who in return doesn't give a care for the other.
If only the date were better looking.....

Tom and Chloe have mixed feelings for each other. One moment they're swooning over each other, the next they're poking, shoving and fighting.

The well-trained cook isn't well trained at all. The sprinklers that I though I had put in didn't work.
So the fire just blazed away.

This happened after I sent all my sims to bed.

I had to wake Declan to take care of it all.

The fire was so out of control that Tom had to rush down and join.
He was then followed by the sisters.

Greta may be best in studying, but in the fire department?

Greta: Oh look! I'm dancing in fire!
Does your know-it-all brain not recognize the fire may burn you? -.-

The fire raged all night (no kidding!) and by morning, this is what everything looked like.

Valerie: Uh... hello? I stink. Could I shower?

Bastards, you better be allow yourself to be bed down by either of the four. My sims just saved your life and you complain that they stink? >:O
Cook: *fails at being human*

The cook then proceeded on to cook on whilst Declan cleaned. Legit.

And stalked him into the shower. Alright, I know Declan is sexy and has a great bod' but this is just creepy!

Greta: *wakes up from nightmare*

Greta: Oh god, I had a dream the fire was telling me to dance.....

Greta: But I'm in my bed, and fires don't happen here....All is good.... all is good....

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Note: There will be 2 more updates as I found I had around 150 images (:O), so don't rush yet! :)

1.6, quin legacy

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