In which I scar everyone with bad poetry!

Aug 03, 2007 23:02

So this would be a post of (almost) all the poems I've written over the years; the good, the bad, and the ugly, posted in what I believe is the order I wrote them. The first ones are horrid, I know - I was in seventh/eighth grade when I wrote them and it shows entirely too clearly (I was also obsessed with Love if for some reason it isn't GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to anyone who reads them). Obviously, I've changed quite a bit since seventh and eight grade, and the last half dozen or so I wrote in high school - safely *after* my love obsession phase, so they aren't nearly as painful to read (though with two or three exceptions, I doubt if I would call any of them "good").

Why Can’t You See (song)
Why can’t you see that you were everything to me?
You are all that I want
And even more just in between
Why won’t you say, make it an even brighter day,
Will you take me?

Why did you leave me
Standing all alone
Drenching wet with a broken heart
Watching in the cold?
As you walked away, I fell apart
It felt like someone took my heart
And threw it away


As I watched you go, I wanted to run
As far away as I possibly could
But I had turned to stone.
I don’t know if it was rain or tears
That were freezing on my face
All I know is that you left me,
You threw me out of the race

Why can’t you see that you were everything to me?
You were all that I want
And even more just in between
Why won’t you say, make it an even brighter day
You will take me?


Life’s Journey
Life will lead you in many different paths
Each one different from the rest
Some may lead beside cool waters
Perfect for a cool swim, or just to admire
Others may lead up steep, rocky mountains
Where you stumble over lose rocks and soil
Some may lead through blooming gardens
Full of colorful flowers and fragrant perfumes
Yet others lead up high, jagged cliffs
Where each step brings certain dangers

And there are times that you may feel
That you have strayed off the path, lost and alone,
Surrounded by unseen evils and darkness
But then you see a bright light
Showing you the way back to safety
A light to lead you back to the path
That you thought was gone and lost
A light to lead you home, your final resting place


My body is weak, but my heart is strong
And I shall follow it until the ends of time dawn
My sight is a blur because of my tear-filled eyes
But my heart will lead me, away from the lies

I will search high and low for that face
The one long ago that was taken from its place
I swear I will find you, for without you I am not complete
I will find you; you are the only one I seek.

My body is aching; I’m falling apart
It isn’t me who is living, it is only my heart
But even that is weakening, with every slowing step
Yet I travel on, not letting evil win the bet

At least I fall, for I can go no more
My heart is dying, as weak as my body before
No more can it lead me to find the one I love
No longer does it have the strength to fly, like beautiful bird above

I lie alone, waiting for darkness to take toll
But then something lifted me, like a light in my soul
They carried me in tender care, I wondered if it was a dream
Then gently I was laid in bed, only happiness to be seen

I awake in a room with the sun streaming through
And I looked at the figure beside me, and then I knew
I saw that gentle, loving face that saved me from defeat
And I knew that, for now, my journey was complete


Children of the 90s
I am not a child of the 90s
All that matters to them
Is all that I am against
Children of the 90s follow murder, violence
I follow protection
They follow drugs and drinking,
I follow health.
They follow stealing,
I follow giving.
They follow darkness.
I follow light.

I am not a child of the 90s
I am a child of hope,
A child of peace,
A child of love.
I am a child of life.
And life is what they have forgotten.


A Child of Life
I will follow my heart
Even if I am following alone
I must stand up for what I believe in
And do what my heart says is right.

I don’t follow gangs
I don’t follow violence
And I don’t follow murder
I follow my heart alone

I don’t follow drugs
I don’t follow smoking
And I don’t follow drinking.
I follow my heart only

I am a child of life
And I will follow my heart
Even if I’m following alone.


“Simple mind, simple pleasures.”
That’s what I always say
When I see someone having fun
In a most pathetic way.

“Stupidity is supposed to be painful”
You might hear my daddy say
When me of one of my brothers
Are broken and bleeding from stupidity at bay

My best friends might tell me
“Girl, I think I’m in love!”
But then, two weeks later,
“I’m gonna kill that jerk, cuzz!”

“He dumped me, you believe it?
He left me standing in the rain
And he better get far, far away
Before I go completely insane!”

Now, as you can see
My life is full of ‘colorful’ phrases
And I will hear them forever more
Through all life’s crazy mazes.


(possible song)
There are so many times
I believe I can stand it no more
The pain is to great
Suffering I can’t bear anymore
What is there to live for?
What could be worth so much?
Of all that I’ve been through
What has made me who I am?

I will have no fear
Whenever pain and suffering are near
I will survive
For I know that you are here

Searching for a reason
I go through my memories
A reason not to give up
Through my strength is almost gone
And my heart beat is weak
I will continue to fight for life
But the reason why is still unknown
What, or who, is there to life for?

I know there is a reason
Flashes of a caring face
Of a best friend
Someone who needs me, and I him
So with a last burst of energy
I break free of the chains,
Of the prison that held me
And as long as there are stars in the sky
I will not leave him


Abra-Cadabra, listen to the beat
Being together means risking defeat
We promised each other history wouldn’t repeat
But now we’re forever at each other’s feet

It was over, long ago
We both walked away, leaving footprints in the snow
Our steps determined, though our pace was slow
But knowing this part of our life must go
My heart was breaking,
I wondered if yours was aching
And with the arrival of the next day’s waking
I felt my body shaking

I was over you, through
I thought you were part of the past I only once knew
But then I remembered your caring face, and I decided what I must do
I realized that I needed to say that I loved you.
I ran to the airport as fast as I could
I had to find you, my heart said I would
Then, standing in the rain, I wondered if I should
But then I glanced in front of my, and there you stood

With tears on my face
I welcomed your warm embrace
And with my heart pounding at a hastened pace
I knew that we had won love’s race
And after a few years were through
Our love for one another had only grew
Then came that special day I proposed my love for you
The day we were forever bonded together, when we both said “I do.”


Two in Life, One in Being
Every soul is only half
Forever searching for the other
Hoping to unite as a whole,
And caring for each other

Love is when they unite
And become one together
Should the be separate once again
They continue to search forever

Even in death
Two beings will search
Until their souls have found
Of the one they wish to merge


Courage of Love (possible song)
People come and people go
Just like the ocean tides
But love is something that will last
Until the day you die
When found is that someone
That you know is right
You will love each other forever
Even when you can’t see the light

You will love one another
Even if you grow apart
When you think that you can’t stand him
You’ll always know the truth in your heart
And when you’re cold and alone
And afraid in the night
You’ll wish that he was there
So alone you will not have to fight

You’ll stand by the phone
And start to dial his number
But when you finger rest on the final button
You return the receiver to its slumber
You’ll still be cold and alone
And afraid in the night
You will wish that he was there
To comfort you from your fright

You’ll grab your car keys
And drive to his street
But when the elevator doors open
You haven’t the courage to meet
You’ll still be cold and alone
And afraid in the night
You will wish he was there
Saying that everything will be alright

With your last ounce of courage
You start toward the door
Determination more powerful then your fear
Your heart takes you to his floor
You stride to his apartment
Your fingers reaching toward the bell
But before you have a change to ring it
The door opens suddenly, and gained courage fell

He stands before you
With fear and loss in his eyes
And you see he needs you just as much
There are no more painful lies
Looking at the floor
Then looking at him with tears on your face
“I love you, I need you. Please, take me back.”
And you welcome his thankful and loving embrace

No longer are you cold and alone
No longer are you afraid in the night
Because you know he is there
And alone you will not have to fight
You’re love kept you together
Even when you were apart
And that love will last forever
You hold the future in your heart.


Star Watcher
There are times when it’s dark
When I just go out in the chilled air
And stare at the clear night sky
I wonder to myself just what in that vast arc
Among those sparkling stars might lie

I think quietly in endless awe
And wonder if we really are all alone?
A thought that quickly will diminish
As I start at the universe to which we longingly call
Hoping to explore such a vast area, we will never finish

I stare at the black velvet sky
Wondering exactly what we will find
If we are ever given the chance to look
To the never-ending corners of the universe we will fly
Searching for every hidden secret and wonder a foot

We will figure out the mysteries some day
Of what lies among those glittering beacons
Are we alone in this universe?
We will learn then answers, they say
When we write out and sing the final verse


Dragon Sight
What do you see
When you see a dragon?
I’ll tell you what I see
I see a creature of powerful strength and wisdom
Of awesome beauty and endless grace
I see the gentleness in their eyes
Beneath the fiery read terror then must feel
When someone threatens their life
Because of the fear they stir within
I feel the loneliness in their heart
When I see the longing in their eyes
I hear it in their mighty roar
Crying out for a friend
I see a heart that can love
If it’s not broken by fear and hate
I see a spirit that can care
If only it was given the chance to do so

The blood thirsty beast others may see
Doesn’t exist in my eyes
Prove me wrong or don’t, this is what I see
This is what I will always see


A friend is someone who is always there,
Someone with whom many secrets you can share

A friend is someone you can talk to all night;
When hurt or in pain, they comfort you, saying that it will be alright

A friend is the sister or brother you never had,
A shoulder to cry on when you’re upset or sad

When it feels like life is not worth living anymore,
A friend will help you fight the inner war

A friend is someone you can’t imagine being without;
Someone to laugh with and someone to worry about

A friend is someone you’re not afraid to look crazy with,
Someone who always remembers your birthday and gets you a gift

A friend will be your friend through all the years of life,
A friendship that will last forever, come what might

A friend is someone who will always care,
Someone with whom many secrets you can share


Tears of the Eagle (September 11, 2001 remembered)
The day dawned bright, alive in the morning light
The lives of all the people ran along on their daily flight.
Sons and daughters in school, running to catch the late bell
Mothers and fathers arriving to work, ideas and products to sell

But none were knowing of the great shadow that loomed
To near the horizon, a black ship with a dark plume
It rode through the sky on wings of stained silver
The first fallen angel, a sad message sent of hate to deliver

The world paused then, left in hurt and confusion
Wondering how could let happen such a hurtful conclusion
But it was only the first; the message not yet understood
As only moments later, a second messenger was sent to finish what still stood.

Thousands of lives lost, thousands of families torn apart
One tragic day, leaving America to her bleeding heart
Every soul was mourning, the bells of every church to tell
And every heart was weeping as the proud Twin Towers fell

Tears rained down from every eye
As the true meaning of the day finally dawned inside
The ground was washed with the salt of tears American-born
And on that tragic September day, a Proud Eagle for her children did mourn

But out of the ashes a new dream does rise
The lives were not wasted, and though the nation still cries
For in the shadow of such loss, a new light has been born
Bringing a nation back together, making her States United once more.

By candle light and reflected flame
With songs of joy sung to hide the pain
Soldiers are remembered, and loved ones, and friends
And lives are celebrated, even as bruised hearts still mend.

Many hearts still weep, and many voices still cry
The pain is still there, though hide it we try
But slowly America heals, rebuilding spirit and mind
And taking strength from the knowledge that no one can destroy the spirit inside.


I wish for a single moment in time
When the world is all at peace
When every bird is singing
And the lamb beside the lion does sleep

When love is willingly given
Between every human being
And every heart is open
To all the beauty so easily seen

When every sky is crystal clear
And every soul afire
When every voice is without fear
Free to speak their passion and desire

When there’s no hunger, no suffering
No ridicule and shame
No hate and no anger
No one lost in pain

No hurt and heartache
No tears cried in vain
And no love left to loss
When there’s still so much to gain

I wish for a single moment in time
When truth is worthy to be told
When no children weep, no hearts left to seek
And all things are equal; young, strong, meek or bold.


Tell Me a Story
Tell me a story of dragons and Queens
Of castles filled with gold
And a fair maiden following her dreams

Tell me the story of girls who fought like men
Who stood side by side
And died yet unbeaten

Tell me a story of unicorns dancing in moonlight
Gossiping with mermaids
As they sand a lullaby into the night

Tell me a story of a boy who ran with wolves
Playing in the forest
And learning stories of old

Tell me the story of a girl who could transform
To changer her shape into animal
And run like the beasts once more

Tell me the story of a wizard and a king
Of the sword in the stone
And magical beings

Tell me the story of snakes and an ancient sea witch
And how she was beaten
With only a sword, a shield, and a wish

Tell me the story of a man off to war
How he fought for ten years
And all he saw while lost ten more

Tell me the story of gryphons and mages
And the battles they fought
Against humans, monsters, and the echo of ages

Tell me the story of a beast who once was man
And the love on one woman
With the strength to change him back again

Tell me the story of a galaxy far far away
And the knights taught to protect it
Trying to keep dark forces at bay

Tell me the story of a kingdom’s century-long dream
And a prince determined to wake it
By the kiss of a princess worthy to deem

Tell me the story of wizards and kings
Of elves and little people
And one powerful ring

Tell me the story of a girl yearning for adventure
Who was whisked away to a magical land
And left to return by silver slipper

Tell me a story so I may dream it tonight
And see all the wonders
Through voice and word come to life


February 1, 2003
It started out a morning just like any other
Said “hi’ to my father, gave a hug to my mother
Only to see the sadness on their face
As they watched a new moment in history take place
We stared in shock at the flame across the sky
And once alone, fall to my knees and let myself cry
With silent sobs the tears flow free
And I hang my head and don’t want to believe
And in my heart half forgotten memories wake
Of a little girl faced with similar heartache
Another time, another fire in the sky
Too young to under stand why all the people would cry
But now the understanding is all to clear
As I feel in my heart the reason for every tear
And so I weep with others the world across
When four words through out the nation echo
“The Columbia is lost.”


There are also a few others I've written in the past five years or so that can be found in earlier entries of featheredquill, and most of those I'm actually quite proud of. Anyone interested in seeing how far Maren has progressed with her leet writing skillz is welcome to go search those out.


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