Mountain climbing, interrupted by bad weather

Sep 29, 2010 02:58

Circumstance had kept the Waltzes from revisiting the universe they'd more or less claimed as a playground. Kitty had needed proper taming, and then they'd had their summer molt and were in no mood for adventuring. There had been harvest time, and many other things. But now they were finally back on their way.

They'd stopped to see the Dwarves in the mountain Hall again, and were given the weapons they'd been promised. Blaze and Mistral were a little uneasy to see what Arashi had requested. The third Waltzlet had kept the design sketches he'd handed over a secret at the time. The resulting staff weapon was a near-twin of the one once used by Black Waltz Three.

They'd stayed for dinner, and for news. The dwarves were a little uneasy around Kitty, despite that the displacer beast behaved herself. She didn't even try to eat any of the giant rats the dwarves had taken to walking on leashes as if they were guard dogs.

There were mentions of supplies and news from the mining village to the east of the mountains suddenly being cut off. Several dwarves suspected the pass might have been closed due to landslide. Other than that, there was very little of interest. Most of the goblins and hobgoblins seemed to have left the area since the Waltzes had been around. Rather than be utterly bored, the trio decided to head up the mountain pass and see if it really is blocked. If it is, at least they can tell the Dwarves. And if it isn't, maybe there's something up there they can fight...

The sky had looked clear enough when they'd left, but had rapidly darkened as they neared what looked to be the remains of an old abandoned tower. Arashi rather likes storms, but this high up in the mountains the wind poses a real danger to Waltzlets - they don't really weigh all that much, after all...
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