
Aug 17, 2009 14:18

Oh, great.

On the other hand it could be a lot worse.

Do you folks at housekeeping have a hose I could borrow?

[This entry is marked with various ink smudges and is not messy, but written in an extremely careful and neat hand with any words that aren't perfectly neat scribbled out.]

[ooc: So the other part of the price tag is that Cara and Helios' house now has an immovable flock of birds sitting on it doing... what birds do.

ALSO: for characters who knew Renae, Cara learned from Will off-journal that she's gone for good. So she'll be going around and letting them know. If you want we can use this entry for quicklogs; if you'd rather handwave it or do a full log, that works too. Just let me know with a comment here or in chat. :) ]

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