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mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 00:43:49 UTC
I knew him, and it grieves me to hear this.

Do you need company?


feathered_earth April 13 2011, 00:44:57 UTC
Yes please

I'm at the farm. In the sheep pasture.


[quicklog?] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 00:46:46 UTC
I'll be right there.


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 00:51:44 UTC

[She knows she should have gone home. But she can't go. If she leaves the farm and starts the long walk back to the Access Point, she would be alone for a long stretch of that. She just can't bear the thought of being apart from other living, breathing things.

The sheep aren't the best company, maybe. But it's better than nobody at all, and they don't seem to mind her leaning on them while she waits for Paladin to arrive. They liked Lix too.]


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 00:59:09 UTC
[He doesn't respond further, but instead makes his way down to the farms quickly.]

[Paladin hadn't known that Lix had been from Krile's world, only that she had been very fond of him. Now that he knew that, though--he had wondered, briefly, what it must have felt like. For a moment, he imagined if any of the people he had seen in his memories had been here with him, and just vanished--only for a moment, though, before he had to push the thought away.]

[Despite her size, the color of her clothes make her stand out amongst the sheep with their white wool. He lets out a breath he hadn't been aware he had been holding, and walks over to where she is.] There you are.


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 01:15:03 UTC
[There was something about Lix that just made Krile feel okay. Even though he'd still been new to Edensphere, hanging around him made it very hard for her to worry about all the things that tended to bother her at any given moment. Even the fact that he couldn't hear her name or Exdeath's, which meant that she couldn't risk telling him much of anything about their world.

And then he was just... not there anymore.

Leaving her alone. The only one who would remember the submarine, Grandpa, the two women, the sky without a moon, Exdeath....

When she catches sight of Paladin she scrambles to her feet and runs to him, hugging him tightly. She doesn't care if she seems childish or that she's starting to cry again, only that she's not alone anymore.]


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 01:21:33 UTC
[For his part, he doesn't do anything but let her hug him and begin to cry. He doesn't say "Don't cry"--he cannot (or, perhaps selfishly, does not) imagine what that loss would feel like, he has no place telling her not to cry should she want to. Paladin rests his hands on her shoulders, then gently hugs back...he hesitates for a moment, biting his lip, before he decides to speak:] It will be all right. Not now, but it will be. [The emphasis is not on the 'all right', but rather the 'will be.']


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 01:32:15 UTC
[It takes a bit longer before she can answer. She knows Paladin's words are true; she knows it quite well from her time here. The hurt will fade, and she'll keep going, and feel more herself again. But as with every time before, that barely seems possible at this moment.]

I know. [The words are almost a croak.] I just--he was from home. I remember him. Even if he didn't remember, he knew....

[It's hard to put into words.]

And I'm tired. I'm tired of losing friends.


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 01:51:41 UTC
[He sighs when she continues speaking. He can speak of will-be's and shall-be's and a rising anger...but it won't serve him here. Not right now.] He understood? [Paladin prompted gently. He doesn't know whether talk like this will make her feel better or worse, but he has to try something.]


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 02:01:55 UTC
[She nods, her head still resting against him.]

...Yeah. I couldn't tell him much that he could hear. Not my name or Exdeath's... Grandpa's, though.

[It's a little difficult to string her words together coherently. She tries to pull herself together a bit more.]

He was a warrior with us. I remember fighting by his side.


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 02:11:34 UTC
[Paladin nods.] That was something, though. [He's...not sure what to say here. It is one thing to comfort loss in the tree, but with this kind of loss...he doesn't know what to do, precisely.] More than a friend--an ally, a comrade, then. [At least this line of questioning hasn't hurt, so far.] Against Exdeath?


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 02:24:29 UTC
[It's somehow different to lose someone she knew from before. It's like a piece of her past has gone with him--or a sense of assurance that she isn't the only one who'd ever remember her home. Lix being here made her memories seem more real.

And there was just something to him--it was like an aura of complete unworry. Even when they were barricading a barn against zombies and he'd barely just arrived, he made her feel like everything, inevitably, would turn out okay.]

Yeah. It was hard to fret around him. [She lets out a small sigh, remembering that she did tell Paladin a little about Exdeath. Only his name and how he appeared, though.] I don't know a lot about Exdeath, just that he was evil and we had to stop him. Lix couldn't hear his name either, but it still happened.


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 02:31:16 UTC
[He nods again.] I believe you. And--yes, [A little smile touches his lips as he speaks,] Lix was remarkable at putting people at their ease. [Even people stuck in ridiculous dresses.]

[He doesn't speak for a while, but then asks,] Do you want to go home, now? [The sheep aren't bothering him, but it's never fun to weep in public.] I'll walk with you.


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 02:45:10 UTC
Yeah. [And oddly, that still holds true now. Not that it isn't painful. She's still very much worried about where he is now, if he's caught in that ether-space she imagines the people who disappear are sent to... but... that he might be dead or erased from existence? No.

She still wishes it hadn't happened, though. Not like it did. When Paladin speaks again, she finally draws away.]

Yes... thanks. [She blots at her face with the cuff of her sleeve. She's stopped crying, anyway. And there's no point in trying to hide her feelings around Paladin.] I... I should've just gone by myself, but I didn't want to be alone.


[quicklog] mythgravenblade April 13 2011, 02:58:11 UTC
[Paladin nods, smiles reassuringly--then stops for a moment, an idea hitting him.] If you don't wish to be alone, you can stay with myself and Reed awhiles. I can take the couch for a few days. [Maybe she doesn't need it--but offering can do no harm at all.]


[quicklog] feathered_earth April 13 2011, 13:55:27 UTC
[It's a very kind offer, and one that Krile appreciates greatly... even without Lix and despite her hurt right now, she's not as alone as she feels. Though she fears that Paladin and Reed will disappear themselves--they're still here and with her now.]

It's all right. I still live with Chibiusa. [And she can't leave her sister to be alone.] But... thank you.

[She pauses a moment. She should go to the shop today. But....]

If you don't have anything to do right now... and until she gets home, could we go to your house?


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