
Apr 09, 2011 12:10

Hey, everyone! I'm out of the elevator now. How long was I in there? (Was it less than a month?)

Is everyone okay?

And what's going on now? It doesn't look like I got back in the middle of a monster invasion, at least. Just a colorful sheep invasion... Are the [twirly line] fake copies of people still around? I sure hope not. They were (or are) ( Read more... )

staving off loneliness, deja vu, life goes on, gosh darn it grandpa, waiting for the next one, missing people, wtg elevator, elevator jetlag

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teamwark April 9 2011, 16:15:18 UTC
Glad you're safe. It's not been all that long. Not seen any fake people around recently, just these guys.

[There are several large bites taken out of the page. Turns out the sheep like the taste of Lix's journal as well as his sleeves.]

Guessing it's just the tree at work again and your name still isn't actually Kweh, huh?


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 16:18:42 UTC
Well, that's a relief. [...] Did they get their breakfast?

No, I'm still not Kweh. But I do have a couple of things you might be able to see!


teamwark April 9 2011, 16:22:39 UTC
Sure did. Lunch and dinner, too. They're hungry little guys.

Really? Sounds good. Where are you?


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 16:25:50 UTC
I guess they're just gluttons, then. Or they're very literary.

I'm by the elevator. Think your friends will let you leave?


teamwark April 9 2011, 16:30:09 UTC
Hey, it's good to have a hunger for knowledge.

Well, I can try!

[Lix eventually makes his way over to the elevator, followed by a small herd of rainbow sheep. He ruffles Krile's hair, laughing.]

Good to see you again. You hungry or anything after being stuck in there?


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 16:35:12 UTC
[Krile can't help but laugh at that little herd of rainbows following him around. She likes the sheep, odd though they are. They just look so happy.]

...Yeah, actually I am. It was way past dinnertime when I saw the elevator doors again. And I guess now it's breakfast or lunch?

[Speaking of--she looks askance at one sheep that starts munching on the candle she inadvertantly brought back.]

Hey, there--oh! [Reminded of Things From Bal, she reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small coin. It's one of the ones she spat out and washed off after the lanterns. There's an old man stamped on the front.] ...Do you recognize this?


teamwark April 9 2011, 16:47:49 UTC
[For the first time in...probably the entirity of the time he's spent on the tree, Lix looks thoughtful. He stares at the coin for a few seconds and nods.]

...that's the old guy, isn't it? The one who- [He pauses there but something about the man on the coin and not recalling someone important seems to add up. Vaguely.] -that guy. He was with the girl with the pink hair and the- [Another pause where he waves his arms around in a gesture that doesn't really have any clear meaning.] -person.


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 16:53:59 UTC
[Krile watches Lix intently as he studies the coin. "That guy." She feels a wave of relief that he recognizes her grandfather... even if he doesn't seem to know much else. She smiles a little as he tries to describe their group.]

Yup, that's him. [She fidgets a little with the half-eaten candle.] I don't know if the other two were ever on coins. But this old guy is my grandpa.

[She pauses.] Galuf. Did you hear that, or just another kweh?


teamwark April 9 2011, 17:01:43 UTC
[He frowns with concentration and shut up tree I actually need to hear this, it's important. Maybe it's due to having seen Galuf in his dream but after a little while of thought (during which the closest of the sheep starts helping itself to the edges of his quickly-shortening sleeves) he nods.]

It's- not Kupo. No, not Kupo. I know this, it's- Ga- ...luf? That's what you said, right? Galuf.


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 17:19:03 UTC
[...Kupo, of all things--Krile can't imagine that Grandpa would be happy with that. But she smiles slowly when Lix manages to get around the Sphere's censorship and actually figure out the real name.]

Yes, that's right! Galuf. [She hugs him on an impulse, and then gives a sharp look to the sheep.] Hey, you. Quit snacking on his shirt.


teamwark April 9 2011, 17:30:26 UTC
S'good to know that old guy's name.

[Lix grins, hugging back, but just shrugs as the shirt-eating.]

Let 'em. I'm going to see if I can shear them for rainbow wool later anyway.


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 17:33:16 UTC
Oh, really? I guess they need all the nutrition they can get, then.

[She lets go, but leans against him for a moment longer.]

I'm glad you worked it out. Somehow I don't think Grandpa would want anyone to think his name was kupo.


teamwark April 9 2011, 17:35:07 UTC
[Another hair ruffle]

I'll figure out yours too, eventually. Promise.


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 17:38:38 UTC
I believe you. [There are worries lurking, wondering if he'll be around long enough to do so. But it's silly to think of those. It's just not possible to fret when he says it.] And maybe I'll be able to tell you yours sometime.

[She straightens up with a more serious look, though.] There are... some things you need to know. But if I tell you and you start to feel dizzy or achey--anything like that at all--tell me right away. Okay?


teamwark April 9 2011, 17:56:14 UTC
That'd be nice.

[He seems a little confused by that.] Sure. But- dizzy?


feathered_earth April 9 2011, 20:13:08 UTC
[She nods.]

Yeah. Sometimes... [She glances up at the Tree warily. This may not be the best place for such a discussion, but--] if you learn too much about your past, too quickly, it can make you feel sick. Maybe even kill you.

So we need to be careful. Really careful.


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