
Jan 08, 2011 00:41

Eagle! I haven't forgotten that conversation we had last week. Do you want to get together somewhere and start making plans for it?

princess wants to help, life goes on, short post is short, making the best of it

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desertshadows January 8 2011, 06:25:23 UTC
Sure! Where and when?


feathered_earth January 8 2011, 20:04:50 UTC
How about that snack stand in the Bazaar? It's here if you don't know it: [insert directions]


desertshadows January 9 2011, 05:09:35 UTC
All right, I'll see you there! [and off he goes!]


quicklog feathered_earth January 9 2011, 05:23:15 UTC
[Krile heads to the snack stand, trying to put her preoccupation with Snow Gene and the Seven Dwarfs out of her mind for the moment. It probably would have been a good idea to ask Eagle what he actually looks like, but it's a bit late now.

At least the cold weather means there aren't too many people there today. She decides to ask that fellow with purple hair just--on principle.]

Hey there, are you Eagle? I'm Krile.


quicklog desertshadows January 9 2011, 05:57:50 UTC
[He turns away from trying to pick something out at the stand to grin at her.] That's me! Good to meet you in person.


quicklog feathered_earth January 9 2011, 06:32:00 UTC
You too! [She gives him a friendly grin and turns to pick something out herself. Then the grin turns a bit teasing.] Ah... you haven't been here very long, right? You don't happen to remember anything about parties yet, do you?


quicklog desertshadows January 9 2011, 07:35:39 UTC
[He likes the look of the toffee apples, himself] Mm, that's right. [looks a little sheepish, but then, he figures it's something people would probably enjoy.] Not much, to be honest. I think they're probably supposed to be loud, though.


quicklog feathered_earth January 9 2011, 14:38:10 UTC
[She ends up getting one of those brownies with chocolate shavings on the top and walnuts in it.]

Hmm, well I think loud is a good start. Definitely a sign that people are doing something--hopefully happily. [She grins.] I still have to ask Grift how much it costs to rent the bar, but I don't want to break either of our budgets. So I thought maybe we could ask everyone to bring some kind of food, like a pot luck.


Re: quicklog desertshadows January 15 2011, 04:42:24 UTC
[And he'll be learning why biting toffee isn't a good idea] That sounds like a good plan. There's bound to be something for everyone that way.

Should we go and ask him now?


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