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live_ringer September 18 2010, 06:55:10 UTC
[Centipedes? In MY Edensphere? It's more likely than you think.]

Over at your place too, huh? I'd love to know what the bu[bubble smear] have against letting us get a good night's rest.

I'm guessing you got him good, at least. ...And hopefully didn't burn down much in the process? [Judging by that burn mark, he's assuming flame of some kind.]


feathered_earth September 18 2010, 13:16:21 UTC
Well it's awfully rude of us to be sleeping when they're looking for a midnight snack. You [pause how to write without sounding overly worried] didn't have any problems, did you?

I hit him with a thu li thunder spell, so the only other thing that got hit was the journal. I really wasn't expecting it to take care of the thing so quickly, but I'm glad it did.


live_ringer September 19 2010, 01:45:53 UTC
Yes, how thoughtless of us. And I'm fine, though I've found bullets have little effect on a goo creature. Startled it enough to get it to back away until I got to the lamp, at least.

...Wait. You can summon electricity with a spell? [Yeah, he should be used to this sort of thing, probably, but... still, news to him that Krile can do this.]


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 01:51:50 UTC
Ugh, goo creatures are annoying like that. Definitely get a flashlight then--at least it didn't get a chance to slime you.

[Oh please Gene, that's not even the weirdest aspect of her.] Yeah, but I just found out that one tonight. I have a few really handy magic spells I've remembered this way.


live_ringer September 19 2010, 02:05:18 UTC
I'm almost curious what a sliming would do. Not curious enough to actually let it touch me, mind you.

[As he is coming to learn. Slowly. Your magic stuff is still weird to him and probably always will be.] Huh. Well, that... is convenient. So how does it work, exactly? You get a bolt to strike down in one spot?


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 02:13:33 UTC
Um... [a few curlicue lines as she thinks about it--she KNOWS, but as soon as she actively thinks of it, it slips away.] Slow you down, probably. But no, I don't think giving it a chance to try is a good idea.

[At least magic is normal in FFV considering they sell it in shops. Krile, though, is a weirdo even by the game's standards.] Basically. It isn't a very strong spell, but it did the trick. I could show you sometime, if you'd like!


live_ringer September 19 2010, 02:27:04 UTC
Even if it didn't do anything harmful, I'm d-[bubble] sure it'd be disgusting. ...Kind of like how these bubbles taste. [Really, that's getting old quicker than the monsters. :| ]

You can call down lightning, but that's not considered "strong"? [Such a strange world you live in, Krile.] This'll definitely be something I've gotta see.


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 02:32:02 UTC
It's probably worse than cocoon goop. And you know, all you have to do is quit cussing for that to stop. [She doodles an inky-sudsy flower with the bubbles.]

And it's not like a bolt of lightning from a thundercloud. The little sparks you get from shuffling your feet on a carpet is lightning too, just really small and weak. The spell is sort of like that.


live_ringer September 19 2010, 02:43:37 UTC
It's kind of an ingrained habit. [Plus, he already gave up smoking. He can't go giving up all of his vices, sudsy though they may be.]

Oh. See, I hear 'lightning' and 'thunder' and I think of something dramatic. But something milder like static electricity is easier to visualize.


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 02:49:30 UTC
Well, I bet if you put in the effort you could wash it out of your system.

Not every spell is that powerful. [pause as she tries to sort through her pings.] I think I could cast a stronger one if I practiced, but it still wouldn't be nearly as much as a real lightning bolt.

[although she could conceivably conjure giant flaming rocks to pelt enemies with, a small nuclear explosion, a megablast of pure holy energy....]


live_ringer September 19 2010, 03:03:45 UTC
Ah, but why bother when some other power is trying so hard to do it for me?

Still more than most who don't have special equipment could do. Just how do you activate something like that?

[You crazy FF people.]


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 03:08:53 UTC
I would say you're right, but it doesn't seem to be changing anyone's habits so far.

Well--it's magic. I have [more curlicue doodles] energy inside that I use to cast it. You don't have anything like that?

[Hey, at least FFV doesn't stick emotionally unstable--or outright mentally ill--people into giant robots FOR WORLD PEACE.]


live_ringer September 19 2010, 03:30:35 UTC
Might just be having the opposite effect. Imagine how many people will be making up for lost time after it's done.

I don't think so. It seems like something that really shouldn't be possible but... well. I've been proved wrong on that point more than enough times.

[True. But in some cases they make the emotionally unstable/mentally ill people out of Genova cells.]


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 04:02:37 UTC
Probably. I might almost miss the bubbles.

It might not be something that exists where you're from, I guess. It seems normal to me, but things like microwaves sure don't.

[well true. But at least that doesn't happen in her game!

They just have a crossdressing pirate gal, an insanely altruistic princess, an amnesiac old man, and a hobo-on-a-chocobo. Plus some little girl mascot they shoved in the party at the last minute, ugh.]


live_ringer September 19 2010, 04:18:49 UTC
I'll be sure to do any compensating for swear-time lost away from you. Can't promise anything for the rest, though.

Just one of those weird things that comes with being from different places, I guess.

[Colourful group, that.]


feathered_earth September 19 2010, 05:24:54 UTC
As long as it's not every other word, I don't mind.

Probably. I think the magic will be easier to show than explain, though.


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