
Aug 27, 2010 13:11

[The page is a little soggy around the edges and slightly stained with chlorophyll and sap. A week in a tree does few favors to a journal.]I'm back to normal now. It looks like everyone is too ( Read more... )

boss fight!, ouch, staving off loneliness, hooray for chakra, dog tired, friends are good, villains should cackle

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LOL this should be good getsome_sleep August 27 2010, 21:41:06 UTC
Are you addressing me, Krile-fūrén?

-- 火


she is is so embarrassed XD feathered_earth August 27 2010, 21:49:55 UTC
Yes, I think so. (Sorry, I wasn't sure how to spell your name.)

Do you want to meet somewhere? Um. [crossed out because writing 'um' is silly.] I think there was sort of a misunderstanding.


He still thinks she's OMGMAGIC for turning into a dragon X3 getsome_sleep August 29 2010, 08:00:04 UTC
Understandable, fūrén, please do not be concerned.

If that is your wish, I shall be glad to oblige, although I do not believe that there is any cause for distress.


feathered_earth August 29 2010, 19:39:08 UTC
Well, if you say so. But I'd still like to meet you. Is the tea shop all right?

[Ql/handwave? She wants to apologize anyhow XD ]


getsome_sleep August 29 2010, 20:53:01 UTC
Most certainly, I am at your service. Shall I meet you there in, say, an hour's time?

[OOC: Always up for a quicklog ^^ but don't mind either way.]


QUICKLOG feathered_earth August 29 2010, 22:04:41 UTC
Okay, I'll see you soon then.

[Krile arrives at the teashop an hour later, feeling strange--when she stepped out of her house, she'd immediately thought to just fly down to the Bazaar and only stopped when she tried spreading wings that weren't there anymore.

But mostly, she feels embarrassed and nervous. Even though Huo's been incredibly polite on the journals, Krile wonders how he really feels about the incident. She herself was rather horrified to be treated that way, knowing that he was directing his admiration at the wrong person. If nothing else, she wants to apologize somehow.]


QUICKLOG getsome_sleep August 30 2010, 20:01:33 UTC
[Huo is already at the teashop, having arrived a little early so that he already had two steaming cups ordered, waiting for himself and Krile when she would arrive. He wants her to feel comfortable, understands how awkward it must be for her - hoping that she would in turn understand why it isn't, for him.

Having only met Krile in her dragon-form, he works by guess when a nervous-looking stranger comes in. Hopefully guessing right, he rises to greet her, giving a low bow.]



QUICKLOG feathered_earth August 30 2010, 22:08:05 UTC
[At Huo's greeting, Krile bows back--it's a European Bal-style bow, a gesture she hasn't used in Edensphere for some time. But the movement is still natural.]

That's me.

[She's trying not to look as uncomfortable as she feels, but frankly Krile never learned to hide her emotions so it's still rather apparent. She has no idea where to begin, either.]

I just--I wanted to apologize. About when you met me. I didn't want you to think--[what? She resists the urge to just trail off.]--that I was expecting that kind of treatment while I was a dragon.


Re: QUICKLOG getsome_sleep August 31 2010, 16:58:53 UTC
[Smiling at the greeting - the style is different, but the substance is the same - and largely unperturbed by her nervousness, Huo gestures toward the seat next to him and the cups of tea.]

Please, sit.

[His voice is quiet and warm.]

You should not apologize for what was not your doing, nor within your power to change. If anything, it is I who should be apologizing for causing you such embarrassment.


QUICKLOG feathered_earth August 31 2010, 21:50:15 UTC
[Krile sits down, taking a sip of tea while Huo speaks--what he says is much to her relief. She really was afraid that he might hold it against her, and she was frankly mortified to be bowed to when she wasn't whatever Huo thought she was.]

It's understandable--I obviously reminded you of something you knew about. I just felt as though I was misleading you somehow.


Re: QUICKLOG getsome_sleep September 1 2010, 15:53:53 UTC
[Huo pauses for quite some time before speaking again: a thoughtful pause, slowly sipping his tea. It's a bit troubling, the silence, but it's better than speaking in haste.]

You reminded me of much, [he says finally.] I find that a good thing. I don't believe that anything happens without there being a reason.


Re: QUICKLOG feathered_earth September 4 2010, 05:38:40 UTC
[Krile does worry when he's silent for a time, wondering what he's thinking--she doesn't know him well enough to tell just by looking at him, and resists the urge to glance at him repeatedly. When he does speak, it's a bit of a relief.]

Then I'm glad. Maybe it'll help you to remember whatever it was.

[She thinks a moment about his second statement. Did Exdeath have a reason? The random things in the Tree? She's not sure. But good can come out of almost anything... she nods.]

Even if it doesn't look like there's one, you can probably find something if you pay attention to it.


Re: QUICKLOG getsome_sleep September 6 2010, 18:41:13 UTC
I certainly intend do.

[He almost feels bad about what he is about to say next. He really does not want to stress her, and his voice is soft as he speaks.]

Please do not feel pressed; neither of us can expect ready-made answers. Yet I cannot believe that you have turned - have been turned - merely for the sake of jogging my memory. What are dragons to you, fūrén?


Re: QUICKLOG feathered_earth September 7 2010, 00:48:05 UTC
[Krile has to take a moment to think about that. She really doesn't have any direct memories of dragons, only instincts and the knowledge that she was riding one in her first dream.]

I like dragons. I know that there are some that will prey on people and attack us on sight. But not all of them do.

[She shuts her eyes for a moment, not opening them as she continues.]

The dragon that I turned into--I'm pretty sure I was riding on him in my dream. And when I think of Havoc, he's not a pet or an animal that I own. He's a friend.


Re: QUICKLOG getsome_sleep September 10 2010, 17:34:21 UTC
[Huo keeps his expression neutral; he doesn't want to alarm her by letting her see his amazement at her discussing dragons as though they were everyday things, as though one might like dragon, as simply as that. No, none of that; he gives her an encouraging smile, rather, grateful.]

There was a man in my dream, of whom I thought as a dragon, [he said softly, volunteering a piece of his own tale in turn, such as it was,] and he was dearer to me than all in the world. But flesh and blood dragons seemed to be a thing of myth.


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