Revolving Reveries

Mar 15, 2010 23:33

May 2009

Renae - She could tell this dream wasn't hers, but she really rather liked it... it was peaceful and filled with warmth, although it made her regret the fact that she didn't know anything about her own grandfather, she was glad that Renae had a nice memory of hers.

Dino - Baffling and rather sad, to her mind. She had no idea what the car was, and the fire and hatred that the dreamer felt unnerved her... and being punched by one's father made her hurt. As far as she knew the velociraptor looked like some kind of monster, but not a hostile one.

Replica - Complete and total nightmare. It seemed like a desperate struggle for survival by a dying man at first, until the dream shifted to him standing in an sea of blood and dead bodies with a sword in his hand... so she apparently had the dream of a complete monster. It kept her up all night afterwards.

Zombie - Deeply disturbing. She could tell from the dialogue that it was Zombie's dream, but never told him that she had it. She isn't sure how literal it was, since parts of it seemed real and parts of him didn't.

Sky (Alfons Heiderich) - The first bit, with the machinery, pinged her somewhat for the Catapult, Cid and Mid and their machinery. After the other dreams it was kind of a relief to have one that seemed so peaceful and serene.

November 2009

Snap (2) - It all seemed very melancholy and sad. She felt the heavy sense of responsibility and duty, and wondered who was in the grave. She guessed that it was Snap from hearing his voice, which made her deeply curious. Particularly with his doubts about the king.

Tatsu - Tatsuuuuu. It goes without saying that this one made her feel the ache of his disappearance all over again. She remembers him telling her some of the things that had troubled him which seemed to come to light in this dream--his worry over his powers, who he was, what he was.

Ari - Eerie and strange... but the ending seemed to be uplifting and hopeful, as though the dreamer found her purpose and something to hold onto. It was also interesting that it was dreamed by someone who isn't human, but Cara isn't aware that it was Ari's dream specifically.

Derrick - Wat. Photos, publicity, and she's pretty sure that the guy in the dream was talking about a fictional character... but the 100% modern setting of the dream just threw her completely (ex-wife?). She thinks it's probably Derrick just from the name, but really... wat.

March 2010

Eyepatch - While Cara's learned how to use guns, this dream is the only time she's ever experienced being shot at and she did not like it one bit... another one where she stayed up most of the night with a mug of cocoa afterwards. She's still not sure whether or not to tell Eyepatch that she had his dream, but might as he seems considerably nicer than Zombie.

Gin - Rather disturbing to her, with the sense of hatred and anguish that the dreamer seemed to hold towards the fox. Obviously this was a more symbolic dream, but she wonders who it belongs to, what the fox means, and why the fox said he was him.

Blood - Like Renae's dream, Cara kind of liked this one. It's peaceful and happy and filled with friends... it's kind of evident that it belongs to Blood, too.

Tenko - Another nightmare. Not so much because of brutality or terror, but the emotions she felt as the man in the dream horrified her when she woke up. To see people as unimportant and meaningless runs counter to everything Cara feels and believes, and she's rather worried about the symbolism of the blood trail that the man left everywhere he went. And the winding snake and concluding sense of loneliness just set the seal on the nightmarishness of the experience.

Sailormoon - It's pretty evident that this dream belongs to her sister. The images in it were rather confusing and gave Cara little context to understand what was going on, but it made it somewhat clear that Sailormoon's world faced terrible danger like Cara's did--darkness overtaking, a need to save the entire world from some terrible power. She's rather glad the dream ended on a hopeful note.


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