
Feb 07, 2009 23:27

[The handwriting is compact, neat script.]

So apparently this is a magic journal. I don't know if I've ever heard of those before... well, not that I know if I've heard about a lot of things before. Not surprising considering I was born yesterday, huh?  Funny, my "mom" the tree must have been eating a lot of red meat to have a kid as big as me.

I'm ( Read more... )

totally making the house into a castle, optimism

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artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 05:18:07 UTC
Hi, I'm Renae! I was born recently, too. It's all so bizarre, isn't it? The legos are fun, though I was told they wouldn't last. I did make octopus out of them, though! It's still in the kitchen area with the train, until someone messes with it or things change.

Good luck with meeting people from your dream. I only remember an old man -my grandpa- but I'm pretty sure he's not here. Probably a good thing for him, he would have spazzed at the whole cocoon thing.


feathered_earth February 8 2009, 05:22:04 UTC
An octopus? That's pretty ambitious--so far I've only stuck with castles. I don't think I can justify sticking around here any longer. I'm as settled in as I can be and it's not that much colder outside than inside.

...Your grandpa? Yeah... they tend to be real old curmudgeons, I think. I don't think he'd have appreciated the goop.


artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 05:28:57 UTC
Hey, castles are needed, too. I just thought the train needed a tentacle-y menace. It's not that bad outside, and there's a clothing place at the market if you want warmer stuff! I'm still getting my bearings but if you want company exploring, I'm around.


feathered_earth February 8 2009, 05:33:39 UTC
Yep! Without castles, where would people shelter from tentacled monsters?

I might as well head out now, then! Are you still in the temporary housing? That's where I am right now.


artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 05:41:58 UTC
Yeah, I'm still here! Well, since you're that close, I can just run around and find you. It shouldn't be that hard.


quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 05:44:56 UTC
Yeah, that works!

[She heads outside and starts to wander around until she bumps into Renae, trying not to shiver too much--it's not overly cold but the cocoon was a lot warmer.]


Re: quicklog? artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 05:50:49 UTC
[Renae's pacing around, trying not to look impatient. She's eager to get going--and warmly dressed, with a coat, gloves and scarf. When the other girl approaches, she perks up. She's pretty sure of who it is, but if she's wrong--well then, maybe she'll recruit another person into this exporation.]

Hey! Cara, right?


Re: quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 05:55:34 UTC
[Cara grins at the sight of the other girl--she waves and heads over quickly. Oh good, there is warm clothing here.]

Yep! And you're Renae, right? [She starts heading in the direction of the elevator, from where she remembers it on the map, but she'll let Renae lead since she knows where to go]


Re: quicklog? artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 06:03:48 UTC
[Renae smiles and waves, heading over.]

Right! At least until I remember whatever my real name is. The guy who first helped me remembered his, so there's hope.

[She has her map tucked away, but doesn't pull it out, yet. The elevator is pretty close. When they reach the elevator, Renae pauses for Cara to step in first.] Weird, isn't it? When I think about wandering around in a tree, branch climbing or ropes come to mind, not...this.


Re: quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 06:12:03 UTC
[Cara looks around, taking everything in--she looks perplexed by the elevator, but steps inside.]

Yeah--I'm pretty sure the insides of most trees don't have machines in them. [leans in a second to peer at the row of lit buttons, though she doesn't press them--seeing as she has no idea how this thing works that would be a bad idea, right?] Not that I've lived in any giant trees before.


Re: quicklog? artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 06:22:44 UTC
[Renae glances to the row of buttons and presses the one for the second floor. The opaqueness makes her impatient -she wouldn't mind a view- but it's not a long trip anyway.] Likewise, I just remember a normal house. No legos or floating islands or any of this stuff. At least some of the people in it are friendly, though. And the Access Point is right next to the Marketplace, so you won't have to freeze.

[The elevator doors swish open and she steps out, waiting for Cara.]


Re: quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 06:48:06 UTC
[Well this is a weird feeling--she can feel the elevator moving but she can't see it doing so, or... well anything about how it works. That's a little unsettling, but she'll get used to it.]

I'm still pretty foggy on where I lived, but I'm sure it'll come back to me. [Heads out of the elevator, looking around... oh okay so those were floating islands on the map, wow. Starts heading across the bridge then, not at all bothered by the height.]


Re: quicklog? artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 07:08:12 UTC
[Quickens her pace to keep up with Cara, but is used to doing that since everyone's taller than her. She smiles and glances around, pretty comfortable with the height.]

Nice view, huh? I wonder how they stay up. Once I've seen a bit more, I'll sit down and maybe paint a landscape. I have a feeling it would be one of the weirder ones I've done...and right, it's this way.

[Upon reaching the island, she headed in the direction of the clothing stall. They passed other stalls with items that Renae thought interesting -books and weapons- but first things first. Cara needed warm clothes. She points when that stall came into view.] See, no time at all! Let's find you a coat.


Re: quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 07:20:11 UTC
[Goes quickly generally, slows down a little though. Not that Renae is any taller than she is.] It's a great view--it's nice to see things from up here. You can paint?

[She follows Renae--her eyes do linger on that weapons stall. If they have one that must mean that there are uses for them here... that'll definitely be on her agenda. Starts looking through what they have, keeping a careful eye on the price... does find a nice, sturdy-looking red jacket.] This one looks pretty good. Hey, what sort of jobs do they have here?


Re: quicklog? artistic_spaz February 8 2009, 07:29:45 UTC
[Relm nods approvingly at the red jacket, but gets distracted by Cara's question.] I just saw the bulletin board the other day and there's a few places looking for people! There's the medical staff...but I like the idea of being an Adventurer or Scavenger, more. Adventurers get to explore everything and scavengers retrieve stuff for people, at the Scavenger's Yard. I haven't been there, yet. There's also farm-work and housekeeping and maintenance...and I think the marketplace has a few stalls that want help, too. It all depends on what you think you can handle, really.


Re: quicklog? feathered_earth February 8 2009, 07:40:59 UTC
[Gets a few more warm things too--still being very careful with the price.] Hm... Adventurer sounds like a good one to me. I'd like to know more about this place, and how we all got here. [Looks around at the floating islands]

I think I'll probably. apply for that one. [It seems the one that fits her the most--though if there's something else she can do she wouldn't mind that either.] So I guess if there's a weapons stall--are there any monsters around here that people need to watch out for?


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