Today, I ventured forth to a town I've never visited before and bought 14 books. In preparation, I'd searched for the second-hand book shops, jotted down the street names - but if I'd been really prepared, I'd have printed off a map. Thanks to some helpfully placed town maps, I found all of second-hand book shops and quite a few charity shops. Most of those books are girls own, so I hope there'll be reviews coming down the line - two Mabel Esther Allans, two Nancy Brearys, two Monica Marsdens, a Susan I hadn't got before and a Gwendoline Courtney, among others.
One of the shops was overwhelming - two rows of books on shelves and then piles and piles lying in front of them up to my knees. It made all the other cramped and overstocked shops I've been to over the years seem amateurish. There was a half-price sale there, and no wonder. It's quite likely that there were books that I'd have bought if I'd been able to find them there.
In another shop, I was asked if I was a collector. I answered hesitantly, because I am, up to a point. I'm a reader, first, though. I want the full version or the most authorially revised version of a story in the best condition possible, if I can.
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