Aug 23, 2011 22:07


Modern-day Earth. A small group of scientists found a way to block brain waves to make people incapable of feeling certain things. They were set on testing it, but the way they wanted to test this was deemed unethical due to the amount of pressure and danger they wanted to put their subjects under. They weren’t deterred, however, and spent several years in hiding to perfect their research and build facilities to use for their testing. Once prepared, they sent letters to eight random people aged 14 - 20. These letters were made to look as if they were advertising testing a virtual reality game that took place over a 24 hour period. The game itself would contain no rules, an entrance fee of their own choice, and a prize that wouldn’t be announced until the end of the game.

The eight chosen found themselves in front of a series of sleek, black, cube-shaped buildings at noon the following day. There they spent an hour conversing, wondering what was up with this place, theorizing what would be inside… Eventually they started wondering if the entire thing was just a hoax, but they were soon broken off into two teams of four and led into two separate buildings. The two groups found themselves in large, completely empty white rooms with a single door on the far wall. A voice echoed through the room from an unseen speaker, stating their entrance fee: They had to give up a part of their personality - specifically, an emotion. Any one. As stated in the invitation, it was entirely their choice. One by one, they stated their choices. Afterwards, an electric shock went through the rooms, knocking out all of them. The scientists took this time to enter the rooms, conduct their experiments to block the specific emotion, and move them into separate buildings where they would start their tests.

Each team woke up later in rooms that were dark enough for them to be incapable of sight. The voice echoed through the room again: “Welcome to the game. You have twenty four hours to reach the exit before your opposing team.”

The two teams moved through a series of rooms, each containing a different, timed puzzle that the team was required to work together to solve. A few were mostly harmless, containing mazes that were made difficult due to various illusions or mirrors. The rest of the rooms? Not so safe. Racing to find a key to the door to the next room before poisonous snakes were let into the room, nearly drowning in a deep underwater puzzle, making it through a maze as a spiked ceiling slowly came down to crush them…

Twenty three hours into the game, the two teams met in what they thought would be the final room. The voice gave them their final instructions: The team who survives, wins. The eight were confused… until they noticed the eight guns sitting in the room - four for each team. There was panic as the group tried to find a way around the task, tried to find a way to quit the game and leave, but there was no apparent way out. And then a countdown started, giving them two minutes to find the winning team. There was more panic, and with a minute left on the clock, Tallis made his own decision on how to end matters. He picked up a gun and took out Adina and Faye. Zayd took out the other two before they could recover from the shock.

The door opened and the four continued onwards, assuming that they’d win the game and they’d get their prize - hopefully one that would be worth all that had just happened… But it didn’t end there. They found themselves in a mirror maze room with one more set of instructions: The one who survives wins the prize. You have three hours.

Four more guns were at the start of the room. Everyone took one, but all of them hesitated. Aulus and Zayd suggested trying to find another way out of the mess since they had more time to do so. Tallis, plotting to take the prize for himself, suggested splitting up into teams of two, explaining that they’d cover more ground if they split up. Everyone agreed, and Tallis and Seffora split away from Aulus and Zayd. Tallis spent an hour with her, only pretending to be searching for an exit until he was sure that they were far enough away from the others for them to not notice. He shot her while her guard was down.

The shot echoed through the room, and Tallis ran as fast as he could manage in the disorientation of the room to try to get to the other two before they found him. This didn’t work at all - Zayd caught sight of Tallis’ reflection and chased him. The mirrors made it difficult to aim correctly, but the third shot hit, leaving only Aulus and Zayd to fight for the prize.

The two of them spent nearly the remaining two hours searching the room for any sort of way out, but they found no luck in their endeavors. Their timer finally ran out, and the voice was heard again: “First to the finish line wins.” The mirrors shook and started collapsing, and the two dashed through the shattering glass in search of the exit. Aulus slipped on one of the shattered mirrors and another crashed over him. Zayd kept running.

Zayd eventually reached a door and, exhausted, pushed his way through, finding himself in a room with eight beds, each hooked up to a machine that was hooked up to its own computer on the wall. Two men cloaked in white applauded him, congratulating him on being the one to make it through their tests. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any prize that they had for him - that was just bait in their invitations. Oh, also? Word of this couldn’t get out to the outside world, because they didn’t want to be arrested. Easiest way to make sure the entire ordeal wouldn’t be shared? Kill the subject, of course. They got their info - they didn’t need him anymore, really.

Zayd instinctively fumbled for his gun, only to find it had been dropped at one point in the mirror room. One of the scientists raised his own gun and Zayd shut his eyes and braced himself for the impact. A series of shots was fired, but not from the scientist’s gun. Zayd checked to see where the gunfire had come from, and saw Aulus, standing bruised and bleeding at the entrance, holding up his own gun. One scientist lay dead on the ground. The other was mortally wounded, and with his last bit of strength used a lighter to set the place on fire.

The room lit up, but the exit wasn’t far. The two used the last of their strength to dash towards the door and through the subsequent hallways, making it out not long before the buildings went up in flames.

It was over. They had won.



pb: Nicholas Hoult

On one hand, he’s a cocky douchebag with a gigantic ego. On the other hand, he’s easily one of the most logical in the group. Pre-game, he was originally insanely jittery and paranoid, but he gave up his ability to be surprised to try to get rid of that trait… and now he’s possibly way too chill for his own good. He’s incapable of being shocked by anything - things that would surprise most people get a “… huh. /SHRUG” reaction from him. Between his stubbornness, his tendency to be condescending in his interactions with others, and his general distrust of others, he’s not too much of a social butterfly. And… he is perfectly okay with that, fuck people. The game breaks him out of that somewhat as he learns to trust and work with others, and by the end he considers himself to be good friends with Zayd.

Pre-game, he grew up with his brother and two alcoholic parents - … stress household? Yep. He waited until his brother was 18 and old enough to move out with him, and they both got the fuck out. They were living in a small apartment together when Aulus’ brother got the invite to the game. His brother shoved it off as “bullshit spam,” Aulus picked it up, thought it looked interesting and decided to check it out. He ends up being the shadow leader of the group, figuring out most of the puzzles and keeping the team together when Zayd is unable to. He’s one of the only two to survive the game, taking out the scientists and burning the entire facility down together with Zayd.


pb: Hunter Parrish

Zayd in a nutshell: Gigantic derp who hasn’t realized yet that you can’t quite please everyone. He is the type of person who will jump through any hoop possible to make sure that everyone around him is happy. Which he thinks is perfectly okay, why would there be anything wrong with that?! Well, when you add on lack of any sense of self-preservation, that becomes a definite problem, as he can be easily enabled, walked over, taken advantage of, etcetc if he believes that it would please others. Once again, he sees no problem with this, although it’s not that it doesn’t bug him at all... just, what does it matter if he’s uncomfortable for a bit if someone else’s day was just made a bit better? He breaks out of this somewhat due to a long string of incidents towards the end of the game that finally pushes him over the edge, and end-game he finally starts looking at how these actions affect him. He’s optimistic, supportive of those around him, laid back, agreeable, and generally pretty easy to get along with. He also has a tendency to overestimate his own abilities, often taking on much more than he can handle.

He gives up fear for the game, taking the role of “fearless leader” and doing his hardest to lead the group safely through the puzzles. ... Which worked well enough in theory, but not as well in practice. His inability to fear anything made him incapable of accurately determining the danger of various situations, often leading his team headfirst into danger that could have possibly been avoided, or even jumping into it himself without even thinking. His teammates are more than surprised that he doesn’t die at several points, and Tallis even states that he only thinks Zayd survives because of some crazy amount of dumb luck. Zayd’s general state of “please everyone!!” becomes tested as the game closes to an end, as one of the last trials puts the two teams against each other in a match to the death. Zayd was one of the first to try to find a way around things, but after Tallis picked up his gun to shoot Adina and Faye, and Lothaire and Vesela were preparing to retaliate… Zayd was finally forced to protect his team and shot the remaining two. ... To say this broke him would be a bit of an understatement. And then finding that, instead of winning the game as promised after that trial, his entire team would be forced to fight each other almost broke him more - but the team agreed to split up to find an exit instead of more killing. ... And then Tallis and Seffora go their separate ways and Tallis shoots Seffora, and Zayd cracks and finds and shoots Tallis out of revenge, and then Aulus falls into a trap and can’t be found... Which technically marked him as the “winner” of the game. He moves on to the final room, finds out that the entire game was just a scientific experiment, and… he finally snaps. That doesn't change much, though, as he's held at gunpoint with nothing to defend himself with. Aulus catches up to him at this point and takes out the scientists - one of which sets the place on fire in his last moments - and the two escape.


pb: Zoe Kimball

Four words: spoiled brat with Issues. Seffora grew up in a rich family who bought her affection but did very little to actually raise her... She ended up drowning herself in materialistic things and taking attention from whoever would give it. Which got her in a fair amount of trouble by the time she hit fifteen, as she fell in with the wrong crowd but made no effort to try to break out of it because, hey, at least they acted like they cared. She’s lazy and hasn’t quite realized yet that, yes, life actually takes work. She complains a lot, disliking anything that is difficult or seems pointless to her. Seffora tries to be all smiles and sunshine and to make friends, but most of her friendships are on a shallow level. She attaches to new people almost immediately without really getting to know who they are or letting them know her, or even trying to learn how to trust them… And then as she learns about them and learns about their flaws, or if she gets into a stupid argument with them, or she feels that they have something against her she drops them like a bad habit. … Long-lasting friendships? What are those and can you eat them with ketchup. The game starts to pull her out of this shell, as she’s forced to work in a group and get along with and trust others, even though she finds it impossible to care for and look after her teammates the same way they do for her - which bothers her a ton and makes her regret what she chose as her entrance fee.

Seffora, not really believing the “entrance fee” was even something possible, gave up love for the game. Because, why not - it’s not like she really had much of that in her life, why would she miss it? ... Yeah, no. She didn’t realize that, by extension, she gave up a lot - her ability to love other people, to love activities, stories, games, etc. Her opinion on the entire ordeal: this is not what she signed up for. Early in the game, she spends most of her time complaining about how stupid the entrance fee is, how ridiculous the puzzles are, how she didn’t really expect this when she came, how she wanted to get the fuck out... A few near-death experiences shut her up fast, and she started actually attempting to work with her team to move forward. Unfortunately, she was the weak link in her team, often being the slowest to move through the rooms. Aulus and Zayd saved her from getting killed on several occasions, earning her the title of “team pet” from Tallis. Towards the end of the game, however, she finally completely stops her complaining and learns how to hold herself up. … And then the opposite team is killed, and her team is forced to pick each other off to find the winner. Her and Tallis split away from Aulus and Zayd to try to find a way out, and Tallis takes that chance to shoot her to put him one step closer to winning.



pb: Airi Suzuki

Adina can seem like a sweet person at first, although a bit quirky - she’s perfectionistic, optimistic, she learns quickly, and she’s overly enthusiastic about most things. Talking to her more, you’ll find that she’s malicious, delusional, and has a wonderful habit of picking and choosing her concept of reality. A stepford smiler, she has an air of happy and rainbows and smiles and sunshine all the time!! … While she’s talking about how interesting it might be if someone in the room was stabbed in the leg. She’s unstable and unpredictable, switching from clinging to people and showering them in affection one moment to considering breaking their bones the next. … She really, honestly sees nothing wrong with this. As previously stated, she doesn’t believe in what society claims to be “reality.” People survive crazy things in movies and games all the time you guys!! Adina’s also really, really obsessed with magic tricks, and would one day like to be a magician! Except she doesn’t quite get that people aren’t actually getting stabbed and sawed in half. Whoops.

The weak link in her team, Adina is often too enamored by “Oooooh, how deep do you think that water actually is” and “Wow, those spikes really are pointy” and “Oh, what would happen if the walls really did squish us like ants” to actually… help find a way through the rooms. She ends up nearly getting dragged through by Adam on many occasions, and never steps up herself to help any of her teammates. When the two teams meet towards the end of the game, she fails to panic as much as the rest of the group, instead being the one to consider taking the first shot… Unfortunately, Tallis was faster, and she was the first of her team to go down.


pb: Hayley Williams

Faye grew up in a strict home, expected to be an example, be the good girl, follow the rules, don’t you dare step a toe out of line… Eventually she snapped, said FUCK THIS and went her own way. She is blunt and opinionated, having nothing against speaking her mind to anyone at any moment, fuck sugar coating things - oh, you didn’t ask for her opinion? Too bad. She has an “I don’t really care” attitude around her and can appear to be unfriendly at first glance, although in time it becomes apparent that isn’t really the case. She looks after those around her, acting like a big sister type to most, although that caring for others is mixed in with a torrent of blunt and snark. She doesn’t really keep herself closed off from others - she’s herself, what’s there to hide? Take it or leave it. However, she also… sort of expects that from everyone she associates with. Because why the hell would you hide who you are? It doesn’t make sense to her. Faye doesn’t understand her limits well, not taking a lot of serious things as seriously as she should and diminishing the dangers of whatever situation she gets herself into. … Which can get her into a lot of trouble as she walks headfirst into everything without thinking or mouths off at the wrong person.

Entering the game, she didn’t take the entrance fee seriously at all. Faye didn’t think it was even possible that you could completely get rid of one emotion, so when it was her turn to state what she was giving up she laughed and shrugged it off as “Hey, you can’t keep me from feeling anything. Try taking away my ability to enjoy life, that won’t happen.” … And then it did, and she was not amused. She pushed forward for the good of her team, but she found herself unable to cope with the fact that she majorly fucked up in thinking the entrance fee was a joke. As the game progressed, she bounced back and forth between wanting to give up (because what was the point? Would she ever be happy again after it was through?) and working hard to move forward, hoping that if her group won, she would be able to fix things. … And then the meeting of the two teams happened. While most others were panicking, she was eying her gun - what would she really miss by offing any of the other team? Nothing. What could she gain from it? Possibly a lot. However, Tallis got her before she could pull the trigger.


pb: Logan Lerman

Quick-witted and short-tempered, Adam can be quite a pain to get along with. … Look at how much he cares. The oldest of five, he feels like those two traits are unavoidable: of course he’d be quick-witted to keep up with some of his younger siblings’ snark. And of course he’d be short-tempered, you try looking after four kids who all seem determined to hang off of you and irritate you. - … Oh, it’s possible to do that without snapping at all? … Welp. While he means well, he doesn’t quite… filter his words at all, and ends up being considerably harsher than he intended. In joking, criticizing, debating - he is prone to condescending sarcasm in his speech. Which he will curse himself about and apologize for almost immediately after. … And then continue on as he always has been. Old habits die hard is his excuse. On that same note, he lives behind excuses. Although he doesn't admit they're excuses, this is totally him taking responsibility for his actions, really, just something happened and that’s why that other thing totally didn’t happen. Seriously. Even though he doesn't say it, he does care for those close to him, although that isn’t always obvious. He’s an “actions speak louder than words” sort of person. Yeah, his speech is biting but if you put him on mute and watch him, you can see that he will jump through flaming hoops backwards for those he cares about.

Adam’s hot temper causes him to give up anger for the game. Because, hey, how the hell are you going to work with a team of people you’ve never met before if you can’t stay chill for ten minutes? He ends up taking the role of the leader of the team, looking after the others and trying his hardest to keep them from making a mistake and dying. Throughout the game, in addition to the loss of his anger, he also learns to curb his sharp tongue as he learns about Vesela’s self-confidence issues, realizes that no amount of reprimanding is going to keep Adina in line, and often has Faye bite back at him whenever he makes an even mildly offensive remark. He feels he handles holding the team together pretty well until the meet-up with the other team. Cue him adding to the general panic. How the fuck was he supposed to pull the team together through this? It wasn’t a thought he was plagued with too long, however - he was shot down by Zayd.


pb: Anastasia Aleshina

Vesela is her own worst critic, to the point of it seriously dragging her down. She’s constantly plagued by the “I’m not good enough” bug, and most of her time is devoted towards self-improvement - whether it be exercising and trying to be healthier, to studying and getting better grades, to just being a better person. She doesn’t realize that everyone doesn’t hold her to the same standards that she holds herself, constantly living with the fear that someone has to be judging her, there must have been some mistake she made the other day… But she doesn’t let that paranoia show to other people. She’s a quiet girl with few words, introverted, and prefers to interact with people she’s familiar with - it’s not like she is incapable of conversing with strangers, however, although she tends to be more awkward around them. As the game progresses, so does her self-confidence. The brains of the group, she is the one who figures out the puzzles, and by the time the two teams meet she feels much more confident in her ability to solve problems and work in a team. The game also makes her considerably more cheery, as she finds it impossible to be upset with the situation and at herself.

Vesela gives up sadness as her entrance fee. It makes enough sense to her - who honestly wants to sit around depressed? Together with Adam, she helps to hold her team together, working to find the way out of the rooms and acting as a cheerleader, giving her team hope when they feel like giving up. Despite being the second youngest, she’s looked up to by her teammates for her consistent determination to win the game. She was getting to the point where she felt secure with herself… and then the two teams met. While she was one of the people panicking over the task at hand, she found herself panicking for entirely different reasons than the rest. She found that, while she definitely did not want to kill anyone, the thought of anyone on her team or the opposite team dying didn’t depress her. The thought of herself being shot didn’t make her feel a thing. When Adina and Faye were shot, she was shocked, but she still didn’t find herself particularly caring. She panicked more, trying to find a last-minute solution but she wasn’t given any time to do so - Zayd shot her before she had the chance.


... Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer in exchange for picking up any of these guys other than my ETERNAL LOVE AND AFFECTION AND PLOTTING FOREVER. May offer up paid accounts later on, but currently I am eighty types of broke. ;_; sorry guys.

However? If you do decide to pick up any of them, I am completely open to any and all voice testing, questions, and general discussion! I am also perfectly okay with you putting your own twist on them - I've listed some main personality traits for each of them, but outside of that? Go crazy. Have fun. Headcanon awaaaaaaay~~ I'd love to see what others would do with them, really. :D

Feel free to contact me for any questions you might have - either through a PM to this journal or a poke through AIM (Rii Not Wii although let me know who you are so I don't go block happy. fucking spambots. ._.).
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