Jun 19, 2010 00:00
What is your zodiac sign? How typical a member of you 'sign' are you? How do they differ?
I've never really thought about it, and I don't believe in that crap anyway. But for what it's worth, I'm a Cancer (July 19th). According to this site:
Such people are easily hurt by the slights of others. These are very complex people, sometimes appearing extremely strong and at other times to be as vulnerable as a child.
I don't think I'm easily hurt. I guess the second sentence fits, though. I'm not often vulnerable. I don't think.
These people are remarkably good at accumulating things; indeed, they can be unwilling to throw anything out, even relationships that have passed their use-by date. They are generally over-anxious in financial matters, and make great efforts to gather in money; as a rule, they have unusual ups and downs in their early life and so they are compelled to work to keep ahead, but once they get on their feet they keep there. If channeled in the right direction, their enormous sensitivity can become a great source of strength. Once they overcome their touchiness and master their turbulent emotions, their intellect and imagination enable them to become a success in almost anything they undertake.
Um...I don't know about accumulating things. Or over-anxious about money. I...guess I'm sensitive? But not really. And I am not touchy! Okay, I guess my emotions can be all over the place. So that's not good. But I'm glad I can succeed, according to this site. That's good to know.
The main problem for them is to remember not to let the powerful, turbulent emotions of the moment crowd out their normally rational judgment. Their intuitions are reliable and should be trusted.
Yeah...that's true. Well, usually when I freak out about the government finding me again, I guess. That's when my emotions get in the way of my reason. And unfortunately, my intuition is that I'll be caught again, so...I really hope that's not reliable. Even though I know it's not reasonable for them to be able to find me.
They are generally gifted with strong imaginations, and it is very easy for them to become excellent artists, writers, composers, or musicians. At heart they are romantic and of a very loving and affectionate disposition.
Well, Isa thinks I'm romantic and loving and affectionate. I don't know about that, though. And I wouldn't be a good artist/writer/composer/musician at all!
On the other hand these people are perhaps the most sensitive natures from any other class of people and if aren’t recognized they quickly give up or get depressed and melancholy. Above all, they require encouragement and appreciation. Their deep sensitivity presents them with valuable and illuminating intuitions, especially regarding those they care for.
...I guess so? Jeff always says I mope too much, anyway. And anyone requires encouragement and appreciation! And I'm not usually depressed and melancholy. I hope I have intuitions about the people I care about. That would help.
They often make excellent psychics, and usually have a yearning after the mysterious.
Um...no. My life is interesting enough.
They should never marry young, for their nature seems to change at different stages of life.
Well, good thing I didn't!
People born in this part of the year often reach very high exalted positions. In their home lives, however, they usually go through a great deal of trouble, and are seldom surrounded by happiness, no matter how successful they may appear in the eye of the world.
I hardly think being a fugitive is very exalted. And I suppose the latter is true, though. I mean, we were happy, but...not often. I guess. And there was trouble. And...such.
Such people have deep love for what they call "their own people," for family customs and for tradition.
"My own people" are Isa and Stephen and Jeff, so yes, I do have deep love for them, thanks. Customs and traditions are silly. We don't have any.
My horrorscope for the day:
Your attention to detail is quite important today, so make sure that you've got your reading glasses, that extra shot of espresso or whatever else it takes to help you focus on what's vital.
I'll be sure to look out for government soldiers, then. Not that I normally don't anyway.
non-rp: other,
lj: charloft,
non-rp: first pov