A Clusterfuck of Yuletide Proportions!!!

Dec 18, 2009 13:53

Damn this infernal season :S

Okeedokee. So, the plans for saturday seem to be SOMEWHAT in flux this week. I've been surprised to find out that a) I already had plans for saturday, which, with a little finesse, have been altered just enough that I can actually spend time with you guys (my brain is not a good calendar, for this I appologize) but damnation, I was gonna spend some time with y'all if it killed me...does it make me a slightly mental person to say that i just can't get the same grade of warped conversations with people at work?
b) work sucks (i know, she left me roses by the stairs....uh....never mind :S) turns out that we're open EXTRA LATE this saturday....SURPRISE!!!!! so at the moment, I am schedualed in till 7:30 MINIMUM! I am calling in every favour I can find to try and get an earlier shift, but I'm on door, and everyone seems to hate the door (because it SUCKS!!!) so that's still in the air.
c) I haven't really been on LJ much recently...sadly I have not had much excitement in my life and therefore nothing to post....I have NOT ABANDONNED YOU GUYS!!!! *spasm/flail/faceplant*
hmmmmm....I think that's it.....OH! New disney cartoon is awesome, I don't care if Nair's ruined Disney for the rest of you, 'twas GRAND!!!

See you saturday (I hope :S)

Fa la la la la la la, I'm DOOMED!

PS, YAY! another excuse to use my Khan Icon!!!
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