1949-life expectancy in japan was 35 years Today-70 years
China is not a member of the organization for economic cooperation and development, but It qualifies Male literacy is 95% Female literacy is 91%
India ("World's largest democracy") Male literacy is 70% Female literacy is 60%
Life expectancy Males 64 Females 65
Today, the private sector accounts for between 68-70% of GDP of china Before reforms-very little…10% or less
Per capita GDP in china China has a hot growth rate, so much so that those in charge try to slow it down a bit Chinese economy has increased 10%/year (10 fold) India's economy is 2 fold Purchasing power parody In 1978 $320 US in china Today, a 21 fold increase in a 20 year period
Cast of characters (who's who in Chinese economy) Banks-established in 1949, controlled by state Commanding heights-heavy industry, transportation, banks-control those and you control the economy In china, banks are almost completely gov't controlled, except for Hong Kong (British colony) 90% of deposits held by Chinese are in gov't controlled banks SOE-state owned enterprises-1977 there were many, largely in heavy industry (means of production) TVE-township and village enterprises-commercial enterprises in rural areas, set up after 1978
Today-70 years
China is not a member of the organization for economic cooperation and development, but It qualifies
Male literacy is 95%
Female literacy is 91%
India ("World's largest democracy")
Male literacy is 70%
Female literacy is 60%
Life expectancy
Males 64
Females 65
Today, the private sector accounts for between 68-70% of GDP of china
Before reforms-very little…10% or less
Per capita GDP in china
China has a hot growth rate, so much so that those in charge try to slow it down a bit
Chinese economy has increased 10%/year (10 fold)
India's economy is 2 fold
Purchasing power parody
In 1978 $320 US in china
Today, a 21 fold increase in a 20 year period
Cast of characters (who's who in Chinese economy)
Banks-established in 1949, controlled by state
Commanding heights-heavy industry, transportation, banks-control those and you control the economy
In china, banks are almost completely gov't controlled, except for Hong Kong (British colony)
90% of deposits held by Chinese are in gov't controlled banks
SOE-state owned enterprises-1977 there were many, largely in heavy industry (means of production)
TVE-township and village enterprises-commercial enterprises in rural areas, set up after 1978
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