What is Evil?

Aug 13, 2005 13:15

They call me evil.

I'm a criminal. I've killed an infant. I've sold my soul to a demon. I fit the casual definition easily enough.

There is a theory that without evil, there can be no good. The relationship between the two concepts is an ebb and flow, a yin and yang - a balance that's necessary to maintain. Many evil people use it to justify their existences.

I think it's complete bullshit.

Everyone has their choices to make. Parents make their choices to forsake the responsibilities of caring for their children, abandoning them to the wolves. Doctors make their choices to treat autistic children like lab rats, unworthy of consideration. The white Christian hypocrites make their choices to treat the dark-skinned among them as brainless savages out to steal their women and their precious electronic appliances of distraction - a threat to be subdued.

Life is comprised of hatred, anger and pain. For every hollow gesture labeled 'good,' those in power committ large scale atrocities under the blanket of righteousness, the ideal of security, all the while reaping profit and fattening their own coffers.

What is evil? Evil is a word used by cowards to hide from reality, to justify their hypocrisy... to feed their egos.

The world is evil, a place of greed and corruption, and it deserves no sympathy. No one is innocent.

The only goal must be survival. Survival is only possible with the acquisition of power. The power to defend yourself, the power to conquer those who would oppress you. Two-thirds of this planet is water, and control of the seas means control of the world. The surface-dwellers think themselves superior, not aware that they continue to live at the mercy of the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans think themselves superior, because they know they have this power, and they do not believe a surface-dweller could ever best them in their own environment, and take control of their domain from them.

I am evil, then. For I cower from no one, and I understand the world. I EMBRACE the hatred and the anger, and I will INFLICT the pain.
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