(no subject)

Feb 12, 2010 19:10

Watching the Opening Ceremonies and casting on for my Ravelymics entry.

Not to be unpatriotic or anything, but, um, this rendition of our national anthem? SUCKS. WTF Olympic committee.

Oooh, totem poles! I love that they are incorporating the Native tribes! (Also, hi shirtless hot dudes. Hi I am Fear and I am shallow.) If they present all of them individually, though, this might take a while. Hee.

Ah, but they aren't. Lucky Inuit, getting introduced all on their own 'cause they're the only Northern nation

The guy representing Algeria is so cute! And he looks so thrilled to be there! Aww, and I looked him up and he is only 17. You go, wee happy Algerian dude! I feel bad for the countries with only one athlete.

Nice pants, Mr. Azerbaijan.

Poor Georgians. :( I'm glad we're giving them a standing ovation.

There are a lot of countries in these games. I bet those Native dancers are getting tired.


Okay, if dude in the kilt in the floating canoe and the horns is not Ashley Macisaac, I will eat my hat. Because dude, that is right up his alley. (And okay, I kind of want all their outfits, and THOSE BOOTS. Yum.)

AHAHAHA I WAS RIGHT. Oh Ashley, you are my very favourite fairy fiddling dynamo. <3

kd lang is amazing.

OMG I hate opera. No disrespect to this lady, just...ugh. Opera.

I'm reading the boards over at Ravelry, and no offense to the Americans on my flist, but all the Americans there bitching about the ceremony being in French and English are harshing my cool. We're a bilingual country, people. We don't care if you don't speak it. Cope.


Catriona Le May Doan! Um, dude I don't know. Nancy Greene! And heh. Wayne Gretzky. Heh.

Technical difficulties, how embarrassing!

And yet, still pretty damn cool. That was awesome.
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