Feb 25, 2005 22:59
I went to Battle of the bands tonight with Rudy. It was fun. I don't really like that type of music so much, but I would say that 7 or 8 our of 10 would be good without their singers(screamers), But I like one band a lot... Shrill, and Tribe was pretty good, hah Fernando!
So what the fuck was up with the fucking C.O.I. Groupies? I love how one of them kept coming back and Ziel tackled them, that was funny. Wow, everytime I saw them I just laughed because someone thinks they are so cute and cool and it's just NOT happening, I'm sorry, well, no, not really.
Jenny scared the crap out of me when she knew I had her phone and she ran up to me a hugged the life out of me.
I got an A on both tests I took today!!
I hate Mr.Joseph! At the beginning I loved him, but he can't even get my name right he keeps calling me Kathy or usually Kathleen and I don't answer so he gets mad then I finally told him, Can you please can me Katelyn? and he was like ok and I told him like 5 times and he kept saying ok and one of the times he said well I'm gunna call you whatever I want cuz you're not paying attention and then, I was like but, I'm not gunna pay attention if you don't call me by my name cuz I don't know you're talking to me. Then he did it again and finally everyone in class was like, it's KATELYN! It was funny. Plus, He kept calling on me to answer the questions cuz he thinks I'm not paying attention and I'm dumb so it's fun when I get it right. But he madde me mad cuz this kid behind me got an A on the last test by cheating and he called on him to go to the board and write the answers cuz he thinks he's the smart one, but I told him how to do it! And he said he was the first done eventhough it was really me! Uhhh!!!!! Oh my god! I swear this week I'm gunna call home and be like "Daddy, I got in trouble for telling my teacher my name."