
Jan 30, 2005 13:13


Name: Katelyn Unglesbee
Birthday: 11/17/89
Birthplace: Gaithersburg, MD
Eye Color: green
Natural Hair Color: blondish brown
Righty or Lefty: righty

Your heritage: american and stupid small percentages of everything else in the world
The shoe size: 6-6 1/2
Your weakness: kisses
Your fears: everything
Your perfect pizza: lots of cheese
Goal you'd like to achieve: happiness

most overused phrase: just kidding
thoughts first waking up: turn the alarm off before I smash it!
best physical feature: hmm.. I've heard boobs, butt, eyes, hair,but I don't know
bedtime: I have to be in bed by 9:00, but I don't have to go to sleep until 10, but the weekends it's when ever I want, unless I'm going skating the next morning.
most missed memory: watching football with my grandpa and having my aunt and grandma anround.

LAYER FOUR: this or that...
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: doesn't matter I'm not a big fan of either.
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Naughty or Nice: both
Couch or Chair: Couch
Focused or Wild: both
PC or Laptop: PC

LAYER FIVE: do you.....
Smoke: no
Drink: only once in a while when I'm upset
Cuss: yes
Sing: yes, but not well, and certainly not in front of anyone
Take a shower everyday: yes
Have a crush(es): no
Want to go to college: yes
Like high school: sometimes
Want to get married: I'm thinking about it, I dont think so
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: I don't think so
Think you're attractive: not really, once in a blue moon I think I look sort of nice
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: now I do
Like thunderstorms: No, they're scarry, but I love pouring down rain

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Done a drug: nope
Made Out: of course
Gone on a date: no
Gone to the mall?: I think so
Eaten an entire box of Oreos :no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating: yes
Made dinner for the family: nope
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: no

LAYER SEVEN: Ever...( <<
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