OOC Information:
Name: Oozaru
Age: 19
AIM: fluffbrows
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: petitebabby at gmail.com
IC Information:
Name: The Commonwealth of Australia- Also has the human name of Brooke Kelly.
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: December, 1945.
Age: Looks around 19, officially 157.
Australia is of average height and fairly muscular. His skin is tanned and he has some light burns across his chest and leg. His hair is brown and he keeps it brushed back, with two strands of hair sticking up that represent Jarvis Bay, and his eyes are green. He also has a bandaid across his nose, for some reason. His eyebrows are very thick. He wears a green, Australian military uniform with a red sash tied around his collar and a brown, wide brim hat.
Australia is a country, so he's stronger and more resilient than the average person. He's good with a gun and a knife as well. He's also very good with animals, to the point where he seems to be able to talk to ones he's familiar with. He's a good fighter, a good thief and very adept at dealing with hostile environments (since, you know, he is one).
On the whole, Australia is a very friendly, laid-back and cheerful island nation. Though he's a realist and can occasionally be quite cynical, he's happy to take chances for the sake of the silver lining. He has a unique brand of humour that tends in involve insulting people that he considers friends. But they're not really insults! Except for the fact that they are. But an Australian will only insult someone they really like, so that's okay. This slightly skewed way of showing affection could be seen as a side effect of being surrounded by tsunderes from a very young age, or simply Australia not paying attention to anyone's feelings other than his own. When it comes to showing affection through more traditional ways, particularly when it's someone he genuinely loves, he can get quite embarrassed and flustered, falling back on more viscous insults rather than his normal friendly ones. New Zealand in particular faces this the most often, since she's the nation closest to him.
One of the things Australians take a lot of pride in is their sense of “mateship”. The principle basically revolves around the idea that you always help a friend in need and make those friends very quickly and easily. Australia considers just about everyone he's not currently at war with his “mate” and is really friendly with them, even if they don't like him as much. He's aware that a lot of his relationships are slightly one-sided, but prefers to keep pretending he's friends with all his neighbours anyway. He can be a bit of an idiot, but he's brighter than he looks and acts. He's easily hurt by betrayal, and has a few trust issues with most of his allies that he represses by forcing himself to trust them unconditionally. Until recently he worshipped the ground England walked upon, but after the events of the Pacific War, he's developed a lot of resentment for "mumland". He's yet to voice it in any significant way, and a part of him still wants to cling to England, but there's a lot of uncertainty within him now. He still adores him and is unlikely to reveal that uncertainty unless pushed to, however, and is likely to let himself be pushed around by England, within reason.
Though he's quite resilient and strong- you'd have to be to survive more than a week inside of him- Australia does sometimes take his laid-back nature too far and can be pretty lazy. It takes a lot to get any real change out of him- even when it's urgently needed- and more often enough he's happy to coast along as he always has. Because of this, he often gets dragged into other people's wars, since it's too much trouble to argue with them about it, especially if the fight is going down in Asia (which would put him at risk no matter what he did). It also means that he very rarely has any drastic changes in policy, it was only in the 1960s that Aboriginal people were fully allowed to vote, and when his politicians make changes that the public doesn't approve of, there isn't that much in the way of public outcry when compared to other countries.
Australia's convict heritage still leaves an impression on him today. He tends to swear a lot casually in his speech, and he's a bit of an alcoholic, not that he sees anything wrong with it. Luckily, he's not an angry drunk, usually, and it takes a lot to get him drunk in the first place. He also has slight kleptomania, or he did when he was a child. Nowadays he usually just steals stuff for the sake of annoying England and New Zealand. When it came to finally picking a human last name, probably some time after his independence, he chose the name “Kelly”, after one of his famous outlaws from the 19th Century. Despite this, Australia deeply dislikes being referred to as a country founded by criminals, and he hates the fact that it often seems like everyone thinks all his people are descended from criminals. In reality, only a small percentage of all the people who have immigrated to Australia over the years were convicts and of the ones who were convicts, they were mostly British people guilty of small crimes like stealing food and clothing, with more serious thefts and murder being in the minority. This is something he will happily rant about for hours whenever he's accused of being a criminal, even if the only reason he's being accused is because New Zealand has happened to catch him in the act of stealing one of her race horses- again.
Note: New Zealand is, for now, lacking an official gender. The author seems to find it amusing. I go with female for the sake of convenience, as it really doesn't make any difference to Australia.
For a long time, Australia was an island continent in the South with little to no contact with anyone else. In 1644, the Netherlands discovered the island, named it New Holland and spotted a little kid suddenly hanging around as well. Though they got on well, and New Holland was thrilled to have another country to hang out with, the Netherlands didn't do much with him, beyond mapping much of the coast with Portugal, but that was still the name recognised by the rest of the world. New Holland followed him around while he explored, not understanding what he was up to but happy to show him the way to water whenever he was needed.
By 1788 the Netherlands had pretty much finished with New Holland and England showed up, needing a new place to dump his convicts after America declared independence. England settled himself on the East coast and Australia was split in two between New Holland in the West and New South Wales in the East. In 1826, England claimed New Holland as well, and eventually set up the Swan River colony there. All in all, England owned Australia now, though he was not formally recognised by that name and was instead just a collection of the different colonies in that area. England did not recognise the Aborigines as inhabitants of Australia- indeed they were considered barely human. He and his people killed off most of them, doing their best to eliminate them completely and he managed to almost erase them from Australia's memory.
Australia himself was thrilled to finally have so many countries to hang out with, particularly New Zealand who was a part of him and lived in his house in New South Wales until she declared independence from Australia in 1840 to become a separate colony. England let her become a separate colony of Australasia (as they were known at the time), and Australia put up little protest despite not really wanting her to go. Over the years since then, he has continually invited New Zealand to unify with him again, though carefully lest she think he actually misses her.
Eventually, towards the end of the 19th Century, the colonies in Australia decided it might be a good idea to become a federation and one nation. However, Western Australia and Queensland were very against the idea, fearing that they would be underrepresented in parliament due to their low populations. Western Australia was particularly against it and it was only in 1901 that all the colonies united to form The Commonwealth of Australia, causing it's personification to hit a sudden growth spurt and shoot up a few feet. Australia was still loyal to England, and England controlled much of his laws and foreign policy, but by this point England was slowly letting the chooks fly the nest, possibly having learned his lesson with America. Truth be told, Australia was pretty miffed about England's lack of interest in him, since he still loved him dearly and liked being taken care of.
In 1883, Australia had annexed the southern half of eastern New Guinea, partly to do with Germany's presence in the north and partly to do with the fact that Papua was a really cute kid. He begged England to be allowed to keep her, offering to pay for her upkeep, and she became a British protectorate and in 1902 she was placed under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia. During World War One, he reach extended to her German territory in the North, and afterwards he was given a mandate by the League of Nations to administer her, though legally she was still a British possession. Though by today Papua New Guinea (as she's now known) is independent, she and Australia are still close.
Fast forward to World War One! Australia's first big real battle with a foreign nation! He left with honour and glory in mind, to fight for England but was quickly shocked by the harsh realities of war. This is where his disenchantment with England begins, especially as many of his and New Zealand's men died for apparently pointless reasons. Gallipoli has left a particularly harsh imprint on his memory, unlike any other battle in Australian history. It's referred to as his 'baptism in fire', his first test as a real country and his chance to see if he could measure up to England, the country who had raised him. All in all, despite the fact that the mission was a failure, it was generally agreed that Australian troops had risen to the occasion and passed their first test on the world stage.
During World War Two, England started treating Australia's troops worse and worse, insisting Australia stay in Europe to fight Germany, even as his own house was at risk from Japan's invasion. Towards the end of the war, Australia signed the Statute of Westminster, claimed he signed it in the 30s with everyone else, and did his best to take better care of his troops without England's interference. The Statute of Westminster made Australia a dominion under the crown, and on equal standing to England. The Balfour Declaration in 1926 had already established this, but the Statute of Westminster gave it formal recognition. Australia kept on fighting in the war, on the Allies side, but was much more worried about his own home front, as Japan kept advancing. It is debatable as to whether or not Japan had any intention of invading Australia at the time, but it was a common fear among Australians that he did. Eventually, however, Japan was defeated by America and the Allies in the Pacific region (including Australia).
Roleplay Sample - Log:
Brooke coughed into his handkerchief, making sure to keep it held close to his mouth, even when his eyes started watering from the smoke. The bushfire was already raging hard, and most of the civilians in the area had already been evacuated, but he couldn't leave while the firemen were still here, fighting the tall flames as trees crashed down around them, in a desperate attempt to stop the fires spreading even further and maybe even save some of the local wildlife.
It had been a long time since the young nation had seen a bushfire of this magnitude. It almost seemed impossible for it to have all been just from the summer heat, but at the same time, it also seemed impossible that so much destruction could come from humans. All of Victoria was up in flames, just about, for Christ's sake! It was insane! Even if someone had just dropped their cigarette and it'd flared up, how could that- Australia shook his head and focused on the fire. This was not the time to think about the causes, only the solutions.
He nodded to one of the firemen by his side as they rushed forward to try and clear the brush. If even a spark managed to get past the next fire break, they were done for till the next one, and while Australia would undoubtably survive it, he couldn't say the same for the brave men by his side. Firemen held a special place in his heart, they'd saved him from disaster more than once. “It's alright, mates, the wind's switching to our side, she'll be right!” He called out, reassuringly, doing his best to believe his own words and ignore the scorching burns all along his left leg.
Roleplay Sample - Journal:
[The first thing that can be seen on the screen is a pair of green eyes and giant eyebrows. Then the person they belong to leans back, revealing a young teenager grinning down at the device.] There we go!
What've we got here, then? Looks like trouble, to me! Doesn't look like any jail I'm familiar with and I don't remember how I got here, so I'm gonna consider kidnapping for now. Now I know Jappa's not dumb enough to try one last trick like this and I doubt he could pull something like this off anyway. Would not put it past mum, to try and teach me a lesson, but I'm not sure if he's aware I even exist at the moment.
So... Kidnapper? Dickhead? Shit for brains? Whatever your name is? Mind stepping forward and letting the rest of the class know what all this fuckery is about? Bloke like me doesn't like being left in the dark, 'm more of a sunshine kind of boy.
Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here. You can tell I enjoyed writing this, can't you?