Mar 06, 2008 21:18
With all your cards laid out;
Table tops and single dollar bills
The nights not over yet my dear
We do what we have to do to get by
You're my ticket to getting lucky tonight ,tonight
Another hotel filled of cheap thrills
You need me just as much as I need you
So no expensive dinners or call backs
Whatever happened to that all american dream?
A life of red, white and blue?
A one bedroom house and three under privalige kids
We do what we have to do to get by
These days are not getting any younger darling
Life keeps on going when you push on through
Well push a little harder baby baby baby
Take a look around you, take a look around this dump
They don't make it easy, do they?
Chewing off your head just to spit you back out
onto the streets, its just you against the world
When the music stops pouring and the money stops comming
Whatever happened to that all american dream?
A life of red, white and blue?
A one bedroom house and three under privalige kids
We do what we have to do to get by
You don't need statistics and numbers to tell you
This is a vicious circle, we all spin round and round
Once you are in you can't jump out
but don't let that stop your from trying
Are you really in?
Your kids want a mother not a whore
So turn in your v.i.p pass and hotel keys
Look for the right words that will end all this
Well here is my last line to give you a second chance
Whatever happened to that all american dream?
A life of red, white and blue?
A one bedroom house and three under privalige kids
We do what we have to do to get by