
Jun 27, 2006 20:05

This week is going to be a serious test of the MyLastName family unit. My mother has jetted off to Cape Cod with her sisters, leaving the three of us behind, which normally wouldn't be a problem, but recently both my brother and I have started working full-time in my father's office. His secretary left a couple of months ago and he never got around to replacing her because his law clerk was doing such a good job, and then his law clerk quit with three days notice a couple of weeks ago and it's CHAOS! So we're there trying to fill in the gaps until he can find quality help.

It's all fine, but since we're all living at the same place, it basically means that the three of us are together 24/7. My mom has been bearing most of the conversational diversity burden, introducing news and topics from her corner of the world, but now she's gone. Gone!

I think dinner tonight is probably going to go something like this:

(Lengthy pause.)

Person 1: Oh, the funniest thing happened at work today -

Persons 2 & 3: I was there.

Person 1: Dammit.

(all three stare into space)

Also, you can't complain about your asshole boss and idiot coworkers over dinner.

I kid! I kid. Work isn't that bad, actually, even if my father is stressed out to the point that he communicates primarily by shouting at the top of his lungs, a la the Costanza parents. He doesn't yell at either Jimmy or me, but at the world in general, annoying clients in particular, and, yesterday, 411 (Telecomputer: City and state, please? Dad Unit: SYRACUSE! NEW YORK!).

Randomly: Did anyone else watch Broken Trail? No? No one else watched Lowell the Dull Witted Mechanic share significant glances with Sun Fu the would-be Chinese prostitute? No one else watched the ending, like, four times last night because Cowboy Lowell finally cracked the tiniest bit of a smile for Sun Fu at the end? I really liked the character of Sun Fu and the actress playing her - she made the ending really work, because up to that point, she'd consistently been shown to be the most proactive and brave of the five girls, and I could believe her to be brave enough to take her own future in her hands at the very end.

Also, the way she hugged Cowboy Lowell before getting in the stagecoach(grabbing at his jacket twice because she didn't want to let him go!) was very sweet and got me ALL upset when I thought the movie was going to end on a sad note for the two of them. Cowboy Lowell basically just stood there like a block of wood most of the time. She was the reason I was so invested in the two of them.

A note on Robert Duvall: I read just before watching the movie that he doesn't like Deadwood, and I think it might have prejudiced me, because I found his character corny and his performance self-satisfied and lame. He got all of these scenes with Greta Schacchi and I was irritated the whole time because it would have been better spent on Cowboy Lowell and Sun Fu sharing significant glances, or walking in the fields.

Cowboy Lowell/Sun Fu 4eva!

I wish more people had watched the movie so I had someone to talk about it with, but I didn't like it enough to justify foisting it on others. Oh well.

I am so tired right now. And I still have to go make dinner (am way behind schedule). Ugh.

temping, television, family stuff, mylastname law firm

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