book recommendations

Jan 25, 2006 00:31

Okay, peeps, so I just finished reading Sight Hound by Pam Houston, which was good, but made me cry so much at the end that I'm still a little stuffed-up more than an hour later. Tomorrow I'm going to swing by the bookstore and pick up another novel (because I'm savoring these last few days before school kicks into a higher gear), and was wondering if anyone had recommendations. I am looking for a good, fast, preferably funny read that won't leave me crying at the end. Enough tears!

Books I Have Read in the Past That Effectively Fit This Description:

Almost any Georgette Heyer novel (I've read all of the ones I can find in this area, and have Venetia making its way to me from California from a used bookseller as I type)

Bridget Jones's Diary

Almost any Jennifer Crusie book

Sloppy Firsts/Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty

So, basically I'm looking for a good chicklitty/YA novel similar to those above. Quelle surprise!



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