(no subject)

Oct 21, 2003 00:14

You know who was cool? Eugene V. Debs. Had to read a biography on him for class today, and while I'm not completely confident in the objectivity of the author (the book kind of read like it was written by the press secretary of the I *heart* Eugene Victor Debs Fan Club, but it is a pretty well-known and regarded book, I think, so I'm thinking it's not completely inaccurate), it wasn't too bad a read for a four hundred plus page biography. It was made even more enjoyable by the fact that I kind of skipped a bunch of the middle so I'd get to the end before class tonight. But I will go back and read the middle, honest! Someday.

I'm so wiped out. I stayed up until about 3:30 last night writing a paper for class, then got up at a little before seven, and now I know I should go to bed or I'll die tomorrow, but of course, right now, it seems more important to me that I check my email a few more times and write this fascinating LJ entry.

Randomly: In the middle of class today, I took a swig of Diet Coke and a bit of it went down the wrong way just as my professor was getting going on this huge tangent. I was sitting right next to him so I tried not to cough, eventually holding my breath to the point that I could feel myself turning red and the people on the other side of the table started looking at me oddly, so I coughed a bit and stuff and it got bearable, and now I've got this random cough going on, like because I held off on clearing my throat immediately, my windpipe is going to punish me all night by being ticklish. Weirdness.

I saw Lost in Translation over the weekend and it was so great. I'd been looking forward to it for so long that I kind of didn't want to see it anymore, because I was afraid it would be lame or disappointing but it wasn't. It was great. I love it when movies live up to and exceed your expectations.


history, movies, books, school

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