Emma's A Strong Girl and Dumb CMU Students are back!!

Aug 26, 2005 07:48


First off Emma had her first shots on Tuesday 5 vaccinations in 3 shots. It was weird cause we got to the doctors office and she is happy as a bee, despite the crying and screaming baby in the waiting room, she is as calm as can be. So we wait about half an hour and get into the patient room. I undress her to her diaper and she is very content and even kicking and playing. She is fine not a peep out of her. She gets weighed and smiles for the nurse. 9 lbs 6 oz. She has gained about 3 pounds in 9 weeks that is great. Emma is getting so big now. So we go back to the patient's room and the nurse says the word that makes Emma furious and angry. She says something along the line of she is getting her SHOTS today. She heard the SHOTS part and she was screaming and crying like a mad baby. She crys the whole time the doctor checks her over and then the SHOTS come in. Holy Shit I'm thinking the shots are about half the size of her legs. She grabs my finger and grips for dear life as she takes 3 shots on her legs. As it is all over I cradle her in my arms and feed her some milk. The milk soother her and after 5 minutes the crying must of put her to sleep. I put her clothes back on and we head home. She had a few outbursts throughtout the night as the pain must have settled in. The next day she was fine and we had a good day. Emma I'm so proud of you. You did an outstanding job and I'm sorry for the pain and discomfort but it will help you in the future.

Dumb CMU Students are back!!

Wendsday I worked in the Slot Palace MR, and it was pretty boring. A couple open intoxicants and a guy smoking weed but due to limited coverage we really couldn't bust him. Thursday was a different story. Jessica Simpson performed at the Casino and there were drunks all over the place, mostly college girls who were being pretty damn retarted, all of them got rides safely and we didn't have any drunk drivers that we knew about so I was pretty satisfed with that part. I was on bike patrol all night and we had a MIP, in which the kids(which by chance were CMU students coming back to school)were scared shitless. They told me everything to the beer in the car, to the 2 roachs and pipe that were in the car. I told them to tell Tribal Police everything and they did and Tribal cut them a break and there were not cited. Usually honest is the best policy. The funny thing is that there are cameras out there and the dumb choose to break the law in front of them. Look around before you do something espically in a casino parking lot. We also had a domestic early in the morning. One was taken into custody and the other was left crying and freaking out. Another fine example of hey idiot there are camera's in the parking lot. There was another domestic early in the night too and the same result excpet no crying and bitching. Well I'm outta here it's time to watch Miss Emma, she's sleeping right now for a little bit and then take a nap when Christina gets outta work, and maybe go to the Beal football game even though its doubtful cause I have to work tonight but who knows.
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