Aug 02, 2005 15:03
Okay today like most tuesdays is shopping day and library day. It's freaking 94 degress out with no wind so the humidity is up there. Went to the library got some books, A Morgan Spurlock book 'Don't Eat this Book" more stuff about the great Mickey D's phase. Maybe we can get the message across to our cousins. Also a dieting book, I losing the weight just getting fatigued really quick on the workouts, not good if I plan on the academy. Nothing yet on TPD or Central Dispatch, the waiting game continues. I also got a couple consumers reports books, I'm thinking about subscribing to the magazine they have some really neat stuff in there. We also rented a Baby Einstein video for Emma and Pooh's Heffalump Movie. The Einstein videos are great and she just loves the color schemes.
After that we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some small things and talk to the photo lady about doing a family portrait and another baby Emma photo session. Her first one was tough as she was only 12 days old and didn't want to pose for nobody. But the next would should go a lot better. Then we went to Kroger to get some grociers mostly 10 for 10 items, cause everything else at Kroger is overpriced. We then came home to relax and get ready for work tonight. Woo Hoo I'm at the Slot Palace Monitor Room tonight.
The next point is a post about my little sister. I told her she probably shouldn't post her mairjuana using on a public forum and just keep it to herself, she took great offense to this. No real valid points so the fact that its her life and blah blah blah. I think she needs to grow up a little bit with her free attitude. Theres nothing like advertising your a pot head even if her not the notion of you smoking pot can lead to that image. I guess the whole thing is I don't talk to my sister much but when she fails to use common sense it just bothers me. I've probably upset her but theres some things that need to be said and that is it. Other then that I have tons of stuff to do so I have to cut this live journal short.