Well before I get into my writing first read this story so I dont have to give details.
Free Press Mt. Pleasant Shooting Story Yesterday I was home for a couple days for spring break and a tradegy erupts, 3 people were killed and the suspect later apperaended after a hour standoff. The thing that gets me is that it hit so close to home. This town doesnt see much violence and a triple homicide is something that doenst even happen in big cities often. It's just crazy. I feel sorry that so many people are mourning the death of the 3 vicitms and my support and prayers go out to their families. I first found out about the news when I went to lunch with my mom(who I harldy ever see cause of school) and she works at a church and I remember meeting the reverend and it was talking to me supporting me and everything and then we're driving to Benigans to eat and my stepdad calls and tells the situation. I'm like shocked at what I hear like maybe its not true I'm saying it can't be. So after we eat we decided to drive by and what I saw was chaos and bodybags, wow it was truly frightning I then called my stepmom to make she was ok cause she works in the county building and thank god she was, but the place was on lockdown as was my brother and sister's school was. So I went home and was glued to the tv to see the developments. The guy lived in a Trailor Park near Weidman, in Weidman some of my friends live and I was like what the hell is going on. Well it turns out the gunmen tried to OD on some pills and instead passed out so the cops came in and arrested him peacefully. Maybe the guy should have shot himself it would save some money, so now we have to pay for a trial and pay for this guy to spend the rest of his life in jail getting ass pakced daily. Personally I don't care if this guy had problems. I have problems I dont go out and shoot people. SO basically this guy can burn in hell. He killed 3 innocnet people in cold blood he should be punished. I just hope that this town can get over this tradegy I know it can and I keep praying and askign why is our society becoming more and more violent. Well people take care of ourselves and put the victims in your hearts and prayers. Thank You.