Yuletide Letter

Oct 08, 2016 00:12

Dear Awesome Yuletide Writer,

First of all, apologies for taking so long to write this letter! I love the Yuletide challenge and am so looking forward to reading your story, which I know I will enjoy. My number one request is that you enjoy this experience and please know I will appreciate any story you write, so please feel free to pursue something that you would have fun writing!

I understand that the details I included in my requests are totally, completely optional and I am not expecting you to write a story that contains any/some/all of what I rambled on about. For each fandom, I tried to give a few potential story ideas, but please don't feel bound by them. I included them in the hopes that if you needed a jumping-off point they would be helpful, but if you have something different in mind, go for it! Also, some of my requests feature characters that have either canonically been in a relationship or who I'd be interested to see exploring some kind of a romantic relationship, but if you aren't feeling those relationships as romances, then I'm okay with gen fics featuring any of these characters.

General Story Things I Like: hopeful endings, people making connections with each other, yearning, banter, people trying to be the best versions of themselves (and succeeding or failing).

General Story Things I Don't Go For: cruelty, abuse, incest.

Thank you so much for writing a story for me! You are awesome!

Request 1: Remember WENN(TV) - Betty Roberts, Scott Sherwood

Request Details: I loved the energy between Betty and Scott on the show, and I would love a story featuring that. Even something as simple as the two of them eating lunch together at the station, or Scott forcing Betty to go out to dinner with him as a way of securing a sponsor for the station - anything! I so loved this show, and these two characters in particular.

Additional Notes: Oh, my first fandom! I loved this show so much, and it's been years since I've spent any time with these characters - I would love to spend some time with them again. I would be happy to see any of the other characters from the show appear in the story, but Scott and Betty were my favorites and so I would like them to be the focus. I'd be fine with any way you wanted to go with this - heartfelt romance, yearning, wacky fun - just as long as it features both of these characters. Even something as simple as a vignette of Scott walking Betty home on a late night, or Scott coming down with something and being impossible to deal with - I'm really up for anything.

Request 2: A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara Willem Ragnarsson, Jude St. Francis

Request Details: I tore through this book in a little more than a day and then spent the next few weeks going back to read my favorite passages which, as you might guess given my request, almost always featured Jude and Willem. I loved their relationship and would particularly like a glimpse of their college friendship, little things like: getting snowed in and watching a terrible movie; eating bad food in the dining hall; helping each other with assignments. If that period doesn't work for you, I'd be happy with a glimpse of their relationship in their later years as well - my only request is that it not be too bleak.

Additional Notes: I'm now realizing that my request details are unintentionally revealing in that you can see the kind of WILD AND CRAZY college student I was (getting snowed in? helping each other with homework? dining hall time? I'm surprised I didn't mention having them work on balancing a checkbook or playing Scrabble - actually, I might be into both of those, now that I think of it...), but the truth is, that is the kind of story I would like to read! Quiet and true to their good, tentative, damaged hearts. I am a gigantic sap, basically, is what I'm telling you. But if you were drawn to the book and these two characters for other reasons, then I am definitely open to any kind of thoughtful exploration of their relationship.

Lucifer (TV) - Chloe Decker Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)

Request Details: I love these two and would love to read a story exploring their feelings for each other. Gen or shippy fic are both fine; i enjoy watching their evolving friendship and trust, but would also be fine with their relationship turning romantic. In terms of prompts, a holiday story could be fun - Chloe gets Lucifer a present, or invites him to share the holiday. Maybe Chloe comes down with the flu, and Lucifer struggles with her absence and/or is concerned about her. I enjoy Trixie a great deal, so if you want to include her, feel free, but a sorry without her is fine as well. Lucifer and Chloe are the characters I'm really interested in.

Additional Notes: Okay, so this is the request I typed out on my new phone in the middle of the night and, as a result, it features a few typos - apologies! This show was one of the pleasant surprises of last year - I found both characters to be more interesting than I expected. I always enjoy relationships like the one between Lucifer and Chloe, where I feel that each of them doesn't quite understand why or how much they're drawn to each other. I'd love to read a story that explores that, in either a lighthearted or heartfelt way. Why does Chloe put up with Lucifer even though he behaves in ways she finds unacceptable? Why does Lucifer stay around Chloe when she makes him vulnerable? A little story about them being stuck in traffic, or eating bad food on a stakeout, or going undercover -ooh! Undercover as a couple! That could be fun! Honestly, any kind of trope-y story would work for me. That said, I really would be happy to read a story exploring their relationship as a friendship if you're not feeling the romantic angle, but if you are feeling the romantic angle, I would love that too!

Thank you so much, Mysterious Yuletide Author! I can't wait to read your story!


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