Title: Five Things Robin Scherbatsky Doesn’t Do
Fandom/Pairing: How I Met Your Mother, Robin/Barney
Spoilers: Up through season three, and some plot points from season four, although they play out differently in the story.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Robin doesn’t fall in love with Barney (except for how she totally does).
Length: 9700 words.
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Comments 127
Sitting on the couch-bed fifteen minutes later, though, warm noodles in a bowl cradled in her lap, the feeling comes back, a feeling that Robin has always put on a list of things that were fine for other people, just not her; things like having kids, getting married, adopting cats.
Robin is homesick.
"Argh, this is lame!" she says to the empty room, through a mouthful of noodles so it actually doesn't sound like anything recognizable.I snorked up Lucky ( ... )
But seriously, thank you so much for this awesome, awesome comment, which has made me all blushy and put a huge smile on my face. I so respect your opinion, so I can't tell you how excited I was to get this comment!
And re: Kristan Higgins, I will totally send you the book! I have your address, but I think it's an old one - it's from '06 and I'm pretty sure you've moved. Could you e-mail me your addy?
And again, thank you so much for this comment!
I will email you my address! Hooray!
Well, Robin carries most of the burden with the manliness, but.
She totally does, and I love that about them!
And I got your addy! I will track down the book and mail it to you post-haste!
"Aww," Robin says, and scoots her chair around the table so she can put an arm around Lily's shoulders. It's the kind of thing she's always seen girls do for their friends but nothing she's felt compelled to do herself until now.
Heee, oh, ROBIN.
And the whole scene where she tells Barney she's moving to Japan, and his quiet, quiet responses -- you just convey so much, so subtley. Just fantastic.
HEEEEEE. This is SO FANTASTIC. I love the voices and how everyone in it is so THEM but not in an over-the-top way...fic has such a tendency to turn sitcom characters really two-dimensional but they're so HUMAN in this. Seriously, this is super, super, wonderfully extra-awesome.
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