eye twitching: a sure sign that i need to go to bed soon

Apr 01, 2007 21:52

on facebook's mini-feed as an april fool's day joke:
Meredith and McDreamy have changed their relationship status to "It's Complicated" ... oh wait ... "In a Relationship" ... oh wait ... "It's Complicated" again. 7:09pm

haha clever!

1 week of spring quarter down, 9 more to go. i don't know what to think about this quarter, my classes seem to be more interesting which is good. i'm hoping to like my spanish class & teacher more, i've never had an unpleasant spanish class until now. though, it is the beginning of the quarter so i'm trying to keep an open mind.

on a more serious note:

i'm not sure what i'm so afraid of, but whatever it is, it's making me miss out on a lot of opportunities.

also, i miss talking to people. i realized i would talk to people, but i would fence people out about certain things...since when did that happen? i hate doing that and it's not fair to people who confide in me. so yeah, i apologize for that. let's have a real conversation and i swear i won't be so guarded : ]

you're not alone
there is more to this,
i know
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