sometimes i feel like i have now.

Mar 04, 2007 22:15

you know how i tried to give up doubt and worry? well, i did. BUT I'M RELAPSING. i blame school and trying to plan out your future. a couple weeks ago i was meeting with a lot of advisors and it was overhelming. it was like slap in the face and definitely broke my spirit. i'm feeling much better since then, only due to the fact that i've put the whole ordeal aside. i just want to get the slrpe and finals over with, then i will figure everything out. sometimes i take on too much at once and it's an overload. i just reached my limit, but i'm much more collected now. starting break/next quarter i'm going to ATTACK this whole thing. i have faith in everyone and i sometimes forget to have faith in myself, but NOT ANYMORE.

oh yeah. i also tried to give up want, it can be a nasty little thing sometimes.

haha i'm not really sure you can actually stop doing these feelings [it would be sweet if you could though], but i'd like to think you can have a grip over them or not give into them. know what i'm saying?

end note: i very much needed this weekend. thank you friends for keeping me sane and making me feel better, whether you knew you were doing it or not. thanks erin for your blurb at the of your entry, it made me feel good : ]

some quotes:

go confidently in the direction of your dreams! live the life you've imagined. as you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
-henry david thoreau

just like the night sleeps on by
just like the sun wakes the sky
they are so in love
like we are so in love
so hug it tight and embrace it
don't let the world deface it
just let it shout with amazement
as we dance tonight
-the rocket summer
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