
Apr 27, 2010 21:25

Continuation of this meme with this being the first part.

*3 & 9 pretend to be married Canada and Spike

England and France would try to kill Spike, and he would just brush it all off. God knows why they would have to, but the arguments about laundry and the blood stains would be epic.

*4 & 13 are lost, but not in the wilderness Russia and Brainiac 5

Brainiac 5 was one of the most brilliant beings in any known universe or world. But sitting across from the man who was grinning so widely, and whose eyes were so vacant, he had no idea what to do. Give him an equation to solve, and he'd hand you the paper in mere moments, but confront him with trauma of the heart, or of the mind, and he had no idea what to do, how to react, how to help.

He'd saved the world countless times. Why couldn't he save one man?

*6 & 8 knew each other in a previous life. Who remembers, and how? Batman and Spock

Bruce thought there was something about the other that looked familiar, but he certainly wasn't going to push it. They got along well enough, discussing logic and some of their companions lack of therefore. But that didn't explain this niggling sense that once there might have been more. They fit into each other's spaces too easily and it confused him. It bothered him. Especially when Spock would give him long and hard looks as if he remembered something Bruce didn't. One of the few times Bruce lost track of the other,  Spock claimed to have been meditating. Bruce almost didn't believe him.

*1 & 15 have a lemur Prussia and Simon

"Isn't it a cutie?" Prussia soothed the small and furry animal. Simon only looked at it with fear and no small amount of parania.

"First of all, what is it, and second of all, why is it looking at my very delicate equipment like that?"

"It's a lemur!" Prussia said. "And he means you no harm."

"Me, maybe not, but what about my *equipment*?"

Prussia pouted at him. "Must you always be so paranoid and such a kill-joy?"

"Yes," Simon said promptly.

Prussia stuck his tongue out at him and picking up the lemur, walked from Simon's med bay. The doctor tried to hold his sigh of relief in long enough so the other wouldn't hear it.

*7, 10, & 12 are on a deserted island. There may or may not be coconuts. Revan, Luke and Rufus

The two force users had been arguing without break for the last twelve hours, from the time the three of them had ended up on the island until now, when the moon was out.

Rufus just wanted his damn Turks to hurry it up and get him the fuck out of this place. He was a Shinra, he was not supposed to have to put up with this (this being two bitchy men who really should have just pulled out their lightsabers and killed each other a long time ago. He might even help Reven off Luke if they would just shut up).

He hated coconuts.

comics, prussia, hetalia, meme, fanfiction, firefly, star wars

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