Perhaps Tea and Dark Hot Chocolate Should Not be Drunken the Same Night

Apr 06, 2010 22:17

I am waaaaay too hyper, though also surprisingly happy as I just spent most of tonight rereading my novel Selt. It's actually rather decent, though there are of course massive parts that need reworking and many scenes need to be added and characters fleshed out. My next course of action is to add another 25,000 words in the next month or so and then let it sit for a while. My next goal will be to edit it from there, when it has 75,000 words, which is generally the shortest I think many publishers accept (or at least I know one wants manuscripts between 75,000 and 150,000). Thus, I think 75,000 might be a good solid base to really start work from.

So really, I just spent several hours rereading the manuscript and working on some quick and dirty edits and just to get everything set in my mind and start considering what I need to add and where. So, I'm pretty excited about this. Plus, I had a cup of Dark Hot Chocolate and another one of herbal mint tea. Because when I get all authory I need beverages. And I don't think I actually sat down and ate a real meal today. Also, part of my author mode. That and a really nice outfit. These are things I need to help my creativity. :D (Though, the fact I was wearing purple bat shocks kinda threw the whole professional outfit into chaos and screwed up my whole white/gold/black theme I had going today.) (Actually, Kit, you should know the shirt I'm wearing today :D) Now, I should go shower, do some homework, and then sleep. Sleeeeeeep.

word count, author mode, writing, selt, novel

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