Feb 10, 2010 21:30


Just managed to watch the two new episodes (not counting the pilot cos that's been out months) and I'm already in love. Ah. It's was like coming back to an old friend in some ways, because it's different from Battlestar Galacitca, but it's the same world. It's the same types I guess.

It's wonderful.

Also: Best Recap Ever

"I know I mentioned this last week, but its bears repeating because it is subtle and it is awesome. Sam gives Willie advice in what seems like throwaway lines. ("Give them the little things and they won't notice the big things." "Once you start in a direction, it's best to keep going.") But Willie is taking everything he says to heart. Gay Uncle Sam is his mentor, his role model, and he's filing all this stuff away. We know because we've seen how he uses it in Battlestar Galactica. Except for the throwing burritos.
The lesson here is that a gay man saved humanity.'"

Plus, it's just, BSG was good at characters, and subtle. Except for the space explosions of course, it's hard to do subtle with that. But still. This show takes that same talent in a different direction, with even more subtle. And I'm so proud of these people finally getting off their asses and putting in a gay character. Several, in fact. Who are perfectly normal and layered characters. The way you found out Sam was gay was in a completely natural line he said to his nephew about flirting with guys. That was it. It said volumes about the character though.

So yeah. Me happy. Next episode please.

In other news: Finished marathon paper. Yay.

caprica, battlestar galactica, college, gay

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