Eating Peanuts while the Shuttle Crashes

Sep 28, 2012 22:37

Because I spend my time as a mature grad student watching Galaxy Quest to celebrate surviving my first week of grad school.

I feel like there's been a lot of running around this week, including waking up for events at 10 every morning since Tuesday, and in training, meetings, or classes every day since Monday. Not quite the easement into school I was expecting here.

Wednesday both my professors were out of the country (one in Egypt, the other running a conference in Italy) so that was interesting. I'm TA-ing for classes five days a week, which I wasn't quite expecting but both teachers I'm TA-ing for want me to attend classes, which is good but I don't have quite that many professional clothes because I wasn't quite expecting that. I also have to have office hours! Which is sorta exciting because having an office is just fricking awesome. Before while I would hang out in the library or whatever corner I could claim at short notice, now between classes I can hang out in my office, in the department I love, with the people I find really awesome. One of my professors stopped by today to make sure I got the class e-mail and I just like the idea of being around enough for casual chatting.

Office. Totally great. I've claimed my desk with a Darth Vader bobble head. Cos I'm a classy act.

What's been most interesting is this week I've fallen back on habits I had built up while I was going to community college, which were much better habits then what I've been doing in college. For example, I went to sleep at 11:30 or so and woke up around 8 for community college, and now I'm sleeping at 12:30 and waking up around 9 for the classes I have to TA. Keeping in mind left to my own devices I go to sleep between 3 and 4 and wake up after 12. I've been having a lot of trouble with sleeping and such, and have been power-dozing every afternoon but I've started to adjust to the new sleep schedule which I think is good.

The other habit I used to have was come home, ditz around for like, 20 minutes,and then do my homework, and then have everything done by the time I showered, so then I could have time to read/watch TV/write after the shower and have some free time to myself which helps keep my sanity. I lost that separation over the last three years and I hope it sticks around this year because it's a much better system for being effective.

So yeah. Welcome to grad school.

omg so much to do I'm going to keel over and die this quarter. But at least I'm being more efficient about it. 

school, life, because i use lj during school and you c

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