Well Then...

Oct 11, 2011 16:49

The Avengers Trailer is finally out.

... Is it a little bad I'm already shipping Steve and Tony off it? 

comics, movies

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vital_signs1719 October 13 2011, 07:16:13 UTC
Oh no! Hope you get better soon. :( I haven't been sick since May, which...considering all the crazy stuff I've been doing, is really a miracle. I'm still knocking on wood.

Show tickets! That's cool. I just went the opera in SF last weekend...that was AMAZING. Melodrama, murder, jealousy, homosexuality, incest...all the good things in life. :P Now I really wanna learn Italian, for a slightly more respectable reason than the *fandom* of an anime. Not even the anime, the *fandom*...

I've been kind of insane. I'm a person of extremes, but I'm kind of coming to terms with this about myself. So, I've been trying to figure out what in the hell I'm doing with my life (I had a single, straightforward plan, but it suddenly got complicated and I now have two, each with multiple contingency/backup plans), attempting to debunk the prevailing scholarship about women's political history in the 18th century with my thesis, working 15 hours a week (basically running the place and training new employees whenever I'm at the library), tutoring, studying for my GRE, and taking 2 other classes. (Really interesting senior/grad-level history classes.) And talking to loads of professionals about what I'm doing with my life. So..yeah. A bit insane. But I'm also loving every moment of it.


fearedeyepatch October 15 2011, 08:06:17 UTC
Oof, sickness. Evil stuff.

Ahahahaha, dare I ask which Opera? I don't think I'll be going to something quite so high cultured but hey, there's music. XD

Loving every minute of it is very, very important. I'm feeling stressed and frazzled about quite a few of the same issues right now without the honors thesis at least. I should retake the GRE in Nov... crap that's something I really don't want to have to deal with but really should.


vital_signs1719 October 15 2011, 20:39:48 UTC
We saw "Lucrezia Borgia." And I had a fangirl attack over Renee Fleming, the soprano lead, when I'd found out she'd done some of the vocals for the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. It was also rather hilarious because the male lead's shiny outfit and spiked-up blond hair made me think about Sting as Feyd in the '80s Dune. I'd never gone to an opera before (too high-class for us), but I do so very much enjoy going on Stanford's dime. This was my second time; I went to some weird-as-all-hell production of Midsummer Night's Dream that I didn't particularly enjoy (except for the Ho Yay, Les Yay, and bondage scenes. But seriously, that show was wtf. I couldn't tell whether Puck and the Duke were the same person with a split personality, or whether they were having an affair with one another. >.>)

Take it easy!! Ah, GRE; I'm doing that next month also. Blegh, stupid math. I don't mind calculus or even some algebra, but there's so much blegh annoying stuff in there.


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