On scattered minds...

Sep 30, 2011 22:53

There are Doctor Who wind up toys. I really have no idea what to do with this. On a couple different levels.

I have been working on reconnecting with my vague childhood hobby of stamp collecting. It was really: I think Stamps are pretty and I started saving them, and then my elders got totally excited because it used to be /their/ hobby and either gave me their old stamps or my grandma just started giving me her envelopes. So, most of these are pretty boring...

Except for those that gave me their old stamp collection. I swear to god I have a Russian stamp from 62 on the Space age. Not to mention a rather nice set of 62 Seattle Worlds Fair stamps, and a collection of the presidents from the 70s (Which means Nixon is the last one there) and some 72 Munich Olympic stamps. Did I mention all the space age ones I have? And a ton of old Chinese/Japanese stamps. I really can't date stamps unless they have the date on them... it would be interesting to look more into it...

I've always been more invested in my coin collection, but I was going through my dad's and he has a 1916 Russian Coin. 19.16. Russian. Coin. Double headed eagle and everything and it's /1916/.

Though I did get a Victorian Penny this summer. XD 1896!

Survived the first full week of classes. *Waves little flag* Though there's that awkward moment when you're class is put in a circle and you're right across from a very attractive person and you keep getting distracted.... Classes are going well and my birthday is in less than a week. 

college, school, doctor who, life

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