As in: oh god my characters will not shut up about the most random things and I haven't seen my e-mail in over 24 hours. Which I can live with better when 5 stories aren't going at one time.
Two and a half hours yet out of Dublin, this charge should last until then.
First things First: Hank poked a strange idea toward Swan Lake. Just the general story, not any one adaptation, but Swan Lake. Based vaguely Michael Bourne(?)'s rendition of the Ballet. Mostly the ball scene where it's “evil” swan at the dance. Could go the way of the Swan Princess, would prefer to stick it more toward the ballet and old classical tellings of it. Apparently I just really wanna cast Alex as a swan, what can I say?
Also been thinking too much about Hank's character in general, and how he defines and acts upon love in a general way. Moreso even than Charles, he strikes me as the type to accept outsiders in to his sphere. Charles seems more like he sort of collects strays and wants to help them, Hank is more inclined to bring in strays and set up together. His strays are slightly more equal? What's more so, especially in cases like Emma, he just functions as the “heart” almost of a group of stays, who come to him for different sorts of advice. His circle is slightly different than the Professor though they are of course working together anyway. It's sorta how they do the same thing? Would be interesting to see in any high school setting.
Furthermore, lots of thoughts on Warren. Interesting chap, and considering using the four riders concept or something like to give him the metal wings though skipping the blue skin methinks. It might also be something for him and Betsy to deal with, since when I read them together that's what he looked like.
And finally the most annoying of my muses: Mistoffelees.
He decided to start world building. WORLD. BUILDING.
This one particular song made me start thinking of Gyspy verse and what I actually had any inclination to do with it. First of all, it would switch at least a part of the dynamic in that physical looks would come at least a bit before the romance and dealing with eachother that always comes up. Also, it would again put Cori in the position of authority, which during the last few it seems Misto was in partly due to money and being Senator. Slayer verse I suppose flipped that as well, setting Cori up as the librarian, but he never used authority in any ways shape or form.
This time the power shift would be rather obvious as instead of wealthy Misto would be a gypsy and Cori at least mostly high up somewhere. Had a couple thoughts on Cori's status: Noble of some kind, or lawyer class was what I was thinking, but that is of course up to Meadow.
Thinking at this point that a more “fantasy” approach would be a better plan, especially while building up the gypsies. Then we could do funky things with the ruling families/houses too and it just occurred to me that mentally I'm comparing this a whole lot to Morrowind. Apparently it's time to go replay that game.
Anyho, basic world ideas I had ((… looking more and more and more like Morrowind HELLO THERE)) is a world that's just completely traditional fantasy, but maybe more 1700 or 1800s. It's certainly picking up a Middle Eastern flavor, so somewhere between the Balkans and Arabia. The other reason I'd be inclined to deal with the societies as fantasy ((But not like historical AU like Steampunk)) is it gives us more lee way with the nomadic culture, while being able to draw from all sorts of nomads-Irish Travelers, Roma, Bedouin, and South Persian nomads, to name the ones I know anything about.
((Oh look, the sun's rising. Hello there sun! That's two red eye flights in 22 hours guys. So glad we're almost there but bloody bloody hell. Actually saw the sun set on this flight, and now the sun rise. We flew right on through night and into morning. I find this rather poetic. Or, I just haven't gotten my normal allotment of nighttime sleeping in for over two nights. I can be poetic when I'm this tired right?))
((Especially since Fantasia on a Theme just came up on shuffle. I've been using mom's earbuds all flight and she has my bright orange rebel alliance fold ups.))
So, Noble Houses for gypsy verse-sorta squabbling Italy states almost. I like using the idea of an “Islamic City” in this story as well, which might lend itself to such family squabbling, since the cities were often divided up into four self sufficient quarters. Morrowind still running strong, adding in a 5th, Dark House of some sort would certainly make sure the drama was running strong. Strong as a pony. Can't decide about the 5th House-I know I sorta want it, but at the same time why they're a “dark” house, preferably a reason not too cliched and over done. One possibility is that they're just the family of assassins, the one's who've always done the dark work and kept the balance between the other four.
I think I'm biting off more than I can chew again, but I love world building so much. It's why I really wish that blasted story with like 30 worlds in it would ever function or work. Because, you know, that would take so much world building. Though, I still need to fine tune the crap out of Selt's world and society first. Ah Selt, it's about time I stopped ignoring thee.
Anyway: funnest part of world building: Mixing and matching cultures! But you have to be so careful to do it right or the world just falls flat. At least, I certainly am rather picky with my worlds. What I've seen done and what bothers me is picking up the surface of a culture and taking a couple of cosmetic things and applying that to another culture and going “look! New world!”
I do give credit to Wheadon in Firefly for meshing cultures all over the fucking place though. Especially since most times it's fairly subtle like in clothing design and such, but it fits and looks beautiful, while also letting the viewer know “this is slightly off, this is not our world” just from the mixture of dress sometimes.
Oh, I can finally see all the pretty clouds down below.
… I miss the bagel I had in Chicago already. That was a truly amazing bagel, though I wish I hadn't had the one in Texas to counteract that. Texas bagel holds “Worst Bagel Ever Eated” as it's title, whereas the one in Chicago is “Bagel that made all other bagels bow and weep before it.” So, apparently I need to move to the East Coast for bagels? Eh, I'll stick to Zoe's Bookside Bagelry... it's in my library. XD Books and Bagels, truly a winning combination.
Annnnd then Emma's song came up. Thank you Emma.
You know who I actually never want in my headspace at the same time? Misto and Emma. Now that I've said that of course it's inevitable but damnit. Especially after Gambit showed up and bonded with Misto over cards. It was like... of course.
Alright, getting very twitchy to get off this plane now. Oh, morning snack at least. … on second thought I don't think my stomach needs that. Hm. We shall see I suppose then.
Alright, morning snack included tea. Getting into the Irish Spirit?Expect a lot of rambling, and a lot of thoughts on characters that might never have worked without being so damn tired.
Semi Coherent Ramblings of Sleep Deprived Author:
Safely in Ireland! Will be so much more excited for this with sleep under my belt!