Alright, considering that last post about Felidae and it taking over my music choices... the thing I really did not need was a Cori song that is a freaking jazz song which only make it worse how well it fits for him.
Won't let me embed, so here's a link Ignore or pay attention to the vid as much as you want, it's the only one I could find this song on.
Jesus Christ Cori, don't you have enough songs? Or drama? Or... Just... gah.
You deserve all the hell we put you through.
Also, I found the Riddle in German! It's sometimes interesting to me just how much I love music/ am passionate about it considering I can't actually create it (Through no fault of my own though, I just never had time or lessons in... anything. Except the flute. But I'm light headed enough that made me want to faint. Sorry Old Man Fritz, I shall never be able to play the flute and will thus never be able to wow everyone with a flute playing Prussia cosplay). I can't sing, my hands couldn't even play the piano properly so I've never actually tried... (My fingers do not have the reach for it. Damnation).
Really, I want to get a harp or violin someday and just go for it. I've always wanted to be able to actually produce music... Or a saxophone. I've kinda always liked saxes too...
It's just music has always been a pretty big thing to me, and I've always loved it so much... concerts, plays, musicals, dance, everything. I spend most of my time to myself listening to it in some way or another, though I'm almost always in need of new music. :D My problem is I associate music very strongly with things, and not just stories. But sometimes I almost feel like music is akin to smell for me: you catch a whiff of a smell and it's your strongest sense memory. For me, I hear a song and it takes me back pretty much instantly to what was going on then, or the character I associate it with, etc. Which is actually why there are entire CDs I can't actually listen to anymore... because they remind me too strongly of different times in my life and sometimes I just don't want that. Or sometimes I feel more like I matured past that music. And then there are songs I'll hear years later and just be like "Yay! I remember this!"
... Damnit. I really do need to find an instrument now and actually do something with it. How about a cello...?